IGN: Swain Problem: Purchased 21 RP - did not receive after 50 minutes. Details: Usually when purchasing RP it gets registered almost instantly but my last purchase for 21 RP still hasn't registered after 50 minutes and just wanted to make sure this is nothing to worry about. I don't need it instantly. Can provide transaction ID and details via PM if needed.
I would give it a few hours and if it still isn't processed by then, tag Matt and Karven to notify them of a potential backlog on donations
You would have to make a post at https://royals.ms/forum/forums/general-rp-issues-queries.108/ Please provide your details in that section, and not here (as here is public)
There was an issue with the website. Issue should be fixed. If you still have the issue, then best to make a post as instructed by Dave.