Edit 1: I just tried basic attack on DR mob on bucc and it still double pots, so it's not an MP issue. In the old client, autopot was triggered before you took damage. That still happens, but now in the new client it is triggered again when you're below the HP threshold, so it will double pot. Before, it wouldn't auto pot after you got DR'd until your next attack, so it will only pot once per attack. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/reflect-dmg-bug.190586/#post-1117931 Possible fix: Don't pot before taking damage Original: I think with the new client pet auto pot, demolition is causing double potting for HP when attacking a mob with Damage reflect. Auto pot now procs when you expend mp. What I think is happening is that Demolition mp is not used immediately, so you do damage before your mp gets used up. This is causing damage reflect to proc auto pot twice. Once on the initial DR damage, then as you're healing up, the mp usage triggers another auto pot. To test: Set bucc auto pot with PE above 15k HP threshold. Use demo on mob with DR. (E.g. Dunas v1) Result: Damage the mob Pet auto pots Mp is used Pet auto pots again Maybe a fix is to trigger mp usage before demo does damage
Ohh, haven't thought of DR pot usage being related to mp consumption. I can hop on battleship and it'll use a potion too. When being attacked by 1/1 at pap while using reindeer milk, my pet will use 3 HP pots, only to heal me to 10k hp (wastes 1 pot for no reason). Whatever did they to fix mage's infinitely bug seems to be triggering this.
Added an edit with the top since it wasn't specific to mp usage when testing with barrage / auto attack
I actually like this now. Now pets will actually heal you if you get hit and use certain skills at the same time.
My nl friend swears he only gets charged 1 pot whilst I am charged two. His stats are 29k after hb, hp threshold at 70% mp threshold at 30%. My stats are 21k after hb, hp threshold at 70% mp threshold at 30%, both using pe. He uses triple throw, me strafe. My bucc friend says he gets charged 2 on demo but only 1 on barrage.
13 minute v1 kill takes 500 pe on si'd pally. hope this can be addressed for the fast attacking classes out there
with 30k if i set autopot around 60% with honster/PE it wont double pot but if i set my threshold above it will start double potting on strafe+SI. i also notice if you're not using pots that refill mana sometimes your pet will ignore your mp pots despite going below mp threshold, and begin giving the "you do not have enough mp for this skill" error
I've heard that there's a specific threshold to get it to stop double potting but I'm not sure how to find it depending on hp. Could you screenshot where exactly your putting your slider? As I posted some months ago, even my NL friend was bypassing the double pot and he only had 17k hp. Maybe it could also be that Paladin with SI and skull just attacks too fast, as I've already tried messing with the slider.