Synergy is now recruiting! [Currently Semi-Inactive**] Synergy [created on 01.10.2013] was the first guild created on MapleRoyals. The guild is lead by the same leader as "AllStars" and "Classic" pre-wipe. The origin of the name "Synergy" has been taken from the beginning of eMS Kradia and eMS Demethos. We do not have a level requirement at all! We are like one big family that stick together. All we ask that you are active, friendly and loyal. Even though we are an English speaking based guild, we are very multi-cultural with nationalities ranging from inside Europe to the Americas. We love loyalty, if you leave us, chances are we’re unlikely to re-invite you since someone else would benefit from that spot if you’re only going to leave us in the end. If you were expelled for inactivity we will gladly re-invite you into the guild, if the reason was valid after leaving our guild we will be happy to let you back in, this is just to prevent people thinking that we are like a last option or something to fall back into. We are only like this as we are after loyal members however we do respect your decisions that you decide to make. If for any reason you are going away somewhere, do let us know via bbs so we do not expel you from the guild. ** - Only recruiting members that know already existing guild members 1. Do not harrass each other - Please keep racist/homophobic/abusive/insulting comments to yourself or at least do not use it just in case people take it the wrong way. 2. We dislike kill stealers so please do not kill steal at all, you would not like it if someone kill stole you. 3. Aim to keep spam minimal, respect others in the guild who may dislike spam, so say things once not a hundred times. 4. You must not beg for Jr. status - Do not ever beg for junior positions, that’s the most annoying thing ever. 5. Follow all server and game rules. 6. We don’t accept scammers or hackers for various reasons. 7. Speak English within guild chat, we do understand that English may not be your first language but so long as you are understandable it’s all good. 8. Please do not beg in guild, most people tend to find this annoying so please respect that however if you ask nicely, we can help out to the best of our ability. Guild Leader & Co-Leaders hacker / dick / pokemon @maggles Pact ● Rain ● socks @Neshium @Thom @2Epic Junior Leaders Wulas ● Molly ● NucIearCow @chris13 @Hampa @NuclearCow Application tips: Applications are recommended if you are not familiar with anyone in Synergy, the application process is right below. Grammar helps, tlkin lyke dis all der tim herts my brian. Obviously if English isn't your first language we're not going to be picky over the odd spelling mistakes, just keep the teen txtspeak to a minimum please. We'd prefer you to be lvl 100+ as we don't want you to feel left behind and not a part of the fun. This is not a must, though. Personality wins every time. Maturity is a must, our guild ranges up to people in their 20's, but a slightly immature sense of humor helps as we're a close, teasing bunch of friends and we'd hate you to misunderstand the humor. Application Form Spoiler: Example Thank you for visiting! Finally, I hope that didn’t bore you at all, but all the information is here. If you have any complaints, problems, suggestions or comments regarding Synergy, please don’t hesitate to contact us in game. We do aim to stay drama free to ensure an enjoyable environment whilst playing maplestory. Do not under any circumstances bring drama here, if you have anything regarding scammers, hackers or general problems then please contact us in game to any junior or leader. Many thanks for visiting, we hope to see you in game :] Smile and Happy Mapling!
Can I also join? IGN Golden I'm new to the server and probably will be asking a lot of nub questions soz :/ Life :')
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Alex 2 ) What is your age? : 22 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : Russian live in Germany • If you live in another country different than your nationality, feel free to mention, because there might be a different timezone, and we would like to be aware of it. 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : german • English is mandatory. 5 ) Your character`s name: Teemo 6 ) What is your character`s level? : 16 atm 7 ) What is your character`s class and gender? : sin, male ( For example: Wizzard, female. Also if you are below level 30, note which 2nd Job you are heading towards. ) 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : Synergy • What determined you to leave the previous guilds? got banned 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : got banned for hpq glitch abusing • If yes, mention why, and for how long. 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : like you • How did you find us ? was in bevore already 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : yes • If so, do you want to be invited to MapleRoyal conversations. if we do a bossrun or somethink why not 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : i have no friends • Feel free to mention if they are still active or not anymore. 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : cuz i am the best • How could you contribute to our guild? i am cool 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules ye • By applying, you automatically admit that you agree and you will follow our guildrules / guidelines. 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? played in 200X on Khania or so for like 2 years • Which servers have you played / What levels have you obtained.
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Lukas 2 ) What is your age? : 20 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : Czech / Czech Republic . 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : Czech 5 ) Your character`s name: Legionista 6 ) What is your character`s level? : 30 7 ) What is your character`s class and gender? : cleric, male 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : ---- 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : never banned 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : like you 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : no 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : i have no friends 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : becouse i dont smoke 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules- yes 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? played in mapledestiny 160lvl bowman/160lvl marksman 3 years experience
Just wanted to say that I won't be around this weekend. Going to my gf's grandparents for a weekend. Cya on monday
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Dylan 2 ) What is your age? : 17 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : The Netherlands . 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : Dutch and English 5 ) Your character`s name: ( Sharparrow Pre-wipe ) now >> Dylan 6 ) What is your character`s level? : 10 7 ) What is your character`s class and gender? : Bowman - Hunter - Ranger - Freaking Bowmaster Male 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : Aria and classic Pre-wipe 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : never banned 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : It seems like this is a very nice guild with nice people in it 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : no 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : Tyron and a few others i think 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : im a nice person i like to talk to people when im playing and i also got some bossing experience: Anego zakum etc. 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules- yes 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? ehm i played this game for like 5 years now. Also had a 132 Bowmaster here Pre-wipe
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Robert 2 ) What is your age? : 20 3 ) Which is your nationality ? : Dutch 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : Dutch, English -fluently and some German. 5 ) Your character`s name: Robert 6 ) What is your character`s level? : Will be leveling till 50 tonight, if not, 60. 7 ) What is your character's class and gender? : Hunter/Male 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : None 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : Not here, he eh! 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : Demethos EMS nostalgia 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : Yes. 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : I have no friends. 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : Because you're recruiting, and i'm applying. 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules? : Nope, but I can imagine what basic rules are being made of. 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? : Ooh, emmm GMS: - 13x Hero - 9x I/L Mage - 7x F/P Mage EMS: - 143 Bishop - 11x Mechanic - 14x Battlemage - 13x Wildhunter - 120 KoC Soul bla bla Shit i've played so many pservers before, I know this game yaw. Edit: To clarify my short answers, i'm not much of a speaker, I rather have a group of people to boss/grind with, and this guild seems fit. I'm not really socially interactive with everyone.
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: jason 2 ) What is your age? : 17 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : Canada 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : English 5) Your character's name?: Jason 6 ) What is your characters level?: 7 7 ) What is your character's class and gender? : DrK/Male ( For example: Night Lord, female. Also if you are below level 30, note which 2nd Job you are heading towards. ) 8 ) In which guilds have you been before?: Classic/AllStars RIP 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned?: nein • If yes, mention why, and for how long. 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy?: havent formed one yet. • How did you find us ? forum? idk lol 11 ) Did you play pre-wipe? If so answer the questions below. a ) Your character's name: Jason/Xeorr b ) What was your character's level?: 15x? maybe 16x i cant remember c ) What guild were you in?: AllStars/Classic AND FALLENANGELS LOL d ) Were you ever blocked / banned?: nope 12 ) Do you use Skype ? : yes and yes. 13 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : i certainly hope so lol so many fun times pre wipe if the guild is anything like it was back then ill be happy with my time back on the server. 14 ) Why should we invite you ?: i boss a lot when im active which should be quite a lot of the time. also i was pretty tight with most of the pre wipe guys. 15 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules yep 16 ) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? went on like 100000 zak runs with allstars before i quit nd ran a few myself too. was part of a couple failed ht runs (idk if you can even count the time me nd dustin tried to duo the pre head lolol) 17 ) Tell us about yourself! played for the whole summer and was a pretty frequent bosser from classic/allstars in my prime (lol ms prime). decided to yolo when i quit and had a s1k time giving away all my shit. im pretty chill, yo.
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Andy 2 ) What is your age? : 19 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : Malaysia . 4 ) Which languages do you speak? :English 5 ) Your character`s name: unglapungla 6 ) What is your character`s level? : 65 7 ) What is your character`s class and gender? : Bowman - Hunter - Ranger - Bowmaster (Male) 8 ) In which guilds have you been before? : None,am new 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned? : never banned 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy ? : It seems like this is a very nice guild with nice people in it 11 ) Do you use Skype ? : no 12 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy ? : nope 13 ) Why should we invite you ? : looking for people to play with and the members of synergy seem nice and friendly. 14 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules- yes 15) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? only sg boss and scar in sea server
1 ) Your real name, if you would like to share it with us: Brian 2 ) What is your age? : 15 3 ) Which is your nationality / where do you live? : American, East Coast • If you live in another country different than your nationality, feel free to mention, because there might be a different timezone, and we would like to be aware of it. 4 ) Which languages do you speak? : English, Spanish, Chinese • English is mandatory. 5) Your character's name?: Duck 6 ) What is your characters level?: 103 7 ) What is your character's class and gender? : Chief Bandit, Male ( For example: Night Lord, female. Also if you are below level 30, note which 2nd Job you are heading towards. ) 8 ) In which guilds have you been before?: Villains, EastSide • What determined you to leave the previous guilds? Looking for change. 9 ) Have you ever been blocked / banned?: No • If yes, mention why, and for how long. 10 ) What`s your opinion about Synergy?: Intriguing. Many opportunities to boss • How did you find us ? 11 ) Did you play pre-wipe? If so answer the questions below. Spoiler: 12 ) Do you use Skype ? : Not much • If so, do you want to be invited to MapleRoyal conversations : I'm ok 13 ) Do you have any friends in Synergy? : I don't really know. • Feel free to mention if they are still active or not anymore. 14 ) Why should we invite you ?: Because I'm a duck and ducks are the superior birds. • How could you contribute to our guild? 15 ) Have you carefully read our guildrules • By applying, you automatically admit that you agree and you will follow our guildrules / guidelines. 16 ) What bossing/Maple experience do you have? • Which servers have you played / What levels have you obtained. I've killed every boss in GMS. I had a level 186 Battle Mage in GMS after Big Bang I had a level 45 SinDit in GMS pre Bing Bang (during the time pirates were released) 17 ) Tell us about yourself! Not much to say. I guess I'm a duck?