I've always thought about doing this, and I think I am finally going to give it a try. Here are the rules of the challenge: -You may not job advance past 1st job. You shall be a noob forever. -You cannot engage in any form of trade or exchange, just like the Ironman challenge. -Once you reach level 35, you are free to party with other perma-1st jobbers who are doing this challenge. All other parties are off limits, including partying with your alts. (In CPQ, the opposing team must also be perma 1st job.) -Just like the ironman challenge, only NX gathered after the creation of the character can be used for non-cosmetic benefits. I think that's about it. I want to do something that's challenging but leaves room for party play, since a big portion of the nostalgia for me revolves around classic party play and pqing. Let me know if you're interested in trying this out. If there is enough interest, maybe a little community will form. Let me know if you have a catchier name for this challenge
Progress update #2 It's getting harder to hit things around my level. The Soul Singer at level 43 will be a life saver Life is good so far. I guess I'm technically an ironman until someone else joins this challenge
I kinda wonder if permanent second job would be more interesting. I know that this means that the challenge won't hit until level 70, but there are just so many 2nd job skills that are good for party play. It would be fun for a party of 6 permanent 2nd job players to try and take down bosses such as pap and pianus (hyperbody!!!!)
Just see it as being a Permanent Tentomon who doesn't digivolve into champion and you can do a 1st job challenge EZ also, Kabu or Kawaga?
2nd job could be a fun challenge too. I could see it accomplishing something similar to this challenge and even enhancing the party component due to the various party buffs available in 2nd. I thought of doing something like allowing 2nd job but only after lv 70 or something lol.
Yeah, that would work. Also perhaps another idea would be that you can job advance at level 30, but that you must max out your party buff skills first? I also wonder if it should be that clerics are allowed to job advance to priest, but everybody else must stay at 2nd job. They are a bit of a weird case in that they don't really gain a lot of 'strength' from their 3rd job advance, but instead, they gain buffs that make them useful to a party (HS and bless). This would further reinforce and encourage party play. i.e. the ideal would be to have parties of 1 priest, and 5 2nd job attackers at maps we all used to love training at together, such as gobies and golems. I'm just picturing a play style that basically forces partying to be able to succeed.
Yeah a party like that would be in the spirit of the challenge. If it would make people more likely to do the challenge, I would consider changing the approach a bit to include 2nd job. The main purpose of the challenge is to incorporate a party-play component while maintaining a high degree of challenge. I want the nostalgic DIY feel that ironman offers while still having the ability to play the game alongside others.
It reminds me of a video of people back in EMS before 3rd job came out. There was a lvl 129 assassin grinding in ludi lol
This is hilarious and made my evening. EMS always seemed like that one house down the block that kids weren't allowed to walk near.
Progress update #3 Hit a big milestone today! I reached Maple Soul Singer level, which means I can start training on level 40+ mobs. Overall, I probably won't have issues with accuracy for a long time, especially as I accumulate more dex gear. I've been doing a lot of quests, as their exp has become much more relevant with this challenge. Looking forward to the next milestone. Maybe level 50?