Warriors and Buccs have access to an interesting method of hp washing which becomes VIABLE when they hit level 200 and can no longer gain extra mp . When I made my first account, an attacker, I wasn't funded and now that I am, make me pay substantially more to HP wash. 20k hp on a fresh attacker would cost around 750-1000 Aprs I believe, this method should cost 1500 aprs. In other words, 150 aprs for 1k hp, only available at level 200, exchangeable through a cute npc. I understand the hp quest has received a buff, but at the end of the day, you still have to login for 30 minutes a day for 10 months to go from 10k hp to 20k hp. I'd like a pay to win alternative. This would also be a nice apr sink.
A couple of thoughts/questions 1. How does this method compare with the cost of buying leech to just make a new character? I have never bought or sold leech in my life so have little idea of market prices and exp gain rates to do the math here myself - would love it if somebody could tell me what a decent exp/hour rate would be and it's corresponding mesos/hour so that I could do the math. 2. Could this encourage further vote abusing and RWT beyond the clearly heavy load of this crap that the admins already have to deal with? I feel it would, as less than honest people might see it as a super convenient solution to combine this hypothetical new feature with dishonestly obtained AP resets.
Thanks for the thoughts. For your first question, you mean if someone were to make a new char and wash that traditionally as opposed to using this method on their 200 char? Well from my experiences getting a char leeched to lvl 135 is around 1-2b, plus the apr cost of washing them to 20k is something like 9b? So about 11b total. For your second question yes of course there will be some people who would want to abuse this. However, you have to consider that you need to be lvl 200 to even do this method, on top of that, would those people have broken the rules previously? Would this really be the update to push them over the edge? I don't see this method being used as a way to get 30k hp, because it would cost a ridiculous amount of money, something like 3000 aprs. So I don't think this update would attract as many rwt'ers / vote abusers as something like a scrolled auf helmet would. Most people wash their 2nd/3rd/4th attackers. This only really affects people who have chosen to make their first character on the server an attacker. If you were to rwt / vote abuse, I'd think it wouldn't be hard to rwt leech services and just wash to 30k traditionally.
Thanks for answering those! Apologies that I overlooked that you proposed that this feature would only be available to those at level 200. I completely agree that this would greatly mitigate the abuse potential of the feature - I think "direct" abuse of it would be extremely rare, if not non-existent. My main concern about it being available at lower levels was that for those who simply have no limit to their willingness to vote abuse and rwt, it would be a lot more convenient than traditional washing. Traditional washing actually requires a lot of "tedious" clicking, and I can imagine this would be play into the thought processes of some people. I thought of a couple of other issues though. This could increase demand on AP resets, which could have two unintended consequences. Firstly, it could push their price up as richer people decide they may as well just do this - this would make it more expensive for normal HP washing. Secondly, it could cause indirect vote abuse in that others might decide that with the increased AP reset market, it is now more worthwhile for them to cheat. Overall though, I think this sounds like a great idea and I'd love to see it implemented if all concerns could be addressed - I started washing my sair a bit late, and I'd really prefer to just continue with it than start again. It'd be great if there was a way I could slowly increase its HP once I get to level 200. I am currently level 169, and only have 9.6 HP - not good!
The best way to gather thoughts is to ask people in-game on what they think. There's actually quite a number of people with thoughts on things but don't want to go onto the forums to comment/make thread. I'd recommend talking to those who've been completing the HP quest on the daily as you may not find an adequate response from the feedback forum lurkers/participants (i.e. May not like HP quest and funds their HP wash).
Yeah I agree that would be a good way to gather feedback however its just not worth it. It's basically a crapshoot with what gets a staff response. I feel like staff already know how daunting hp questing everyday for months can be, and i'm sure a lot of us know that one friend who quit a char well into 4th job because of not washing. The best thing I can do is present an idea and hope that Staff internally vote on it. Imo its unreasonable to call the server hp wash optional and tell players they can hp quest for 7-10 months. This suggestion would allow players to play the game normally and when they hit 200 and have the funds, spend 12b~ in aprs to go from 11k to 19k.
I think it is nice that players have to invest time playing on their character, doing the HP quest to receive those precious HP. I'd think that most of the player base would switch to this p2w method in a heartbeat if it was implemented so that would be quite unfortunate... Still, having an alternative is quite nice, though I think there should be a heavy penalty/cost to this approach. Maybe something like 10x the cost of apr washing? Bonus points if this acts as a mesos sink, or requires an ultra-rare item from bosses.
Hi thanks for the feedback. The way I proposed this idea would be for it to only be available to players at level 200. I proposed it to be 150 apr for 1k hp, I have only done mental math on it, but I determined this to be much more expensive than traditional hp washing (and 50% more than bucc/war skill reset washing). An NL at lvl 200 may be, 7k hp, to get to 19k (enough for auf and all other content) would be 12k hp at a cost of 1800 apr, or around 18b. Considering I washed my thief to 17k with only 7b~ I think thats quite fair and I don't really see how this could be the norm. I believe reaching 200 and spending the time getting the funds suffices the "invest time" aspect. Again, this is mainly for people who chose to make an attacker as their first class, and would rather farm meso than to hp quest every day for months.
Your idea will not affect the rich elite players anyway, which are probably like 85%+ of this server (just my estimate). They just HP wash anyway. So this will most probably only affect older players or characters that did not HP wash. Another Pro of this is that you could choose to not think about HP washing and simply play and then only later go into increasing HP. However I think that adding even more artificial stuff based on this old game abuse, its the wrong direction. I am doing HP quest daily atm and did HP quest occasionally before since it has came out. It is very tedious but it is there so I have to do it - HP gain is barely noticable so you really have to be a hard core maple player to keep doing that and not just quitting the game. I would rather see HP quest being buffed slightly than some artificial HP wash 2.0 being added since this will be one more thing that does not feel "organic" to a game. Keep in mind that HP washing always was just an abuse that was never fixed. I dont think HP quest needs to be buffed though, it is there and that is what counts. Understandable that you are impatient, so am I. But I would not put the games integrity in danger even more .. On top of that it would be better to have something implemented that all classes can use. As I understood it, the server owner and the devs / staff / etc. are very busy (understandable) and turning off work just for this, seems a bit unnecessary to me. Just because there is already a solution in place anyway .. EDIT: I mean if it costs meso anyway, why not simply put a big jar somewhere in the lounge and at lvl200 you may dumb in B coins there to increase your HP. If you want to have P2W, then at least do not include this abuse anymore.
Hi thank you for thoughts. I agree. Yes, this is the idea. This idea arrived because warriors/buccs/mages can all wash at lvl 200. So why not give the left out class a method as well, but charge them much more. I don't think this method hurts the games integrity in any meaningful way. This is a nice update to help those first accounts who chose bm/mm/sair/nl/shad, since the other classes have access to this method already. This is only feasible to a persons first account as its incredibly expensive. I actually think this is very healthy for the game, how many times has someone said "Don't make an attacker class first, need mage", well with this update theres no reason not to. By the time you hit 200 you may have enough for a few extra thousand hp. New players would feel at ease choosing sair/nl for their first class. I don't even think impatient is the right word, having to login for near 10 months everyday for 30 minutes just to auf is...crazy? Not really sure. I've only been on the server for 12 months, I think the hp quest is fine, at 1k hp/month, I'd just like a faster and costly alternative.
Or we can just make an npc that sells perma hp. No need for ap resets and washing if we can just buy hp. nvm just read the comments. That’s exactly what’s being asked lol
By buying HP from an NPC you take away a big chunk of market, which is the AP Resets market. That would result in everybody spending their NX on Gacha and that could be detrimental for a few reasons, the biggest one probably being that there would be tons of white scrolls/chaos around which would in turn be used to get perfect gear easier, making it less of a challenge to reach end game. I like Aqwrd idea tho, it wouldn't really affect the market in any bad way, if anything it would make AP Resets prices spike up which wouldn't be a bad thing at all for the server.