I fked up big time guys. I need help if there is even anything anyone can do. I accidentally sold my cape for 400k instead of 400 mil. What do i dooooo?
Damn that sucks....it's not worth 400m, but still way more than 400k.... And I honestly don't think they can do anything about that.. EDIT: I actually found the person who bought it. He's trying to sell it. IGN: Tabaquito. EDIT2: He already sold for 270m to HoloDrake; talked to HoloDrake and he's willing to sell you a +10 INT cape for cheaper, so let me or him know!!
I had it evaluated for 300-350 so i marked it up to 400 incase i got offers before my warrior needed it.
Omg, yes. Please. Yeah...well HoloDrake didn't know until after he bought it...Maybe whisper him next time you're on or something. He needs it for washing I think.
Update: Its has been recovered at a loss of 280.8 mil. check you shops before you open them kids. aaaaand I won't be on for a week or two, I got finals and apparently Maple is still life ruining. Bitch at me (ShroudedJr and Fetal) if you see me on. KS me if you like idc. Cya, luv you all. Especially Moderato
and i wasn't being serious about the marriage lol, i was just trolling i didn't think people would take it seriously!
yeah so, im like the biggest loser... yesterday I saw a drink called hennessy (60$ in canada) and I was so excited that I bought it...