HI Sir. Im new to Royals and im interested in Paladins. Reading ur comments as :" this guide is prob not relavant anymore" worries me. Would you mind to share a latest guide? Please? thanks.
Threaten works on bosses and will reduce their weapon defense by 20%. The weapon attack and accuracy reduction are currently not working and will be fixed in a later patch. Depending on the boss's stats, the reduced defense can be very noticeable which is why I personally chose to max it.
I can help answer questions for any new paladins or people looking into paladin IGN: Kristya - lvl 200 (1h & 2h Sword) Paladin CrushedSkull - 194 (Blunt Weapon) Paladin
Are there any up to date guides ? I was mistakenly following this one before I read that it was out of date and not relevant anymore
Most of it is still relevant, but if you have any specific questions just ask and I'd be happy to help to the best of my ability.
Sure I guess the main thing would be where I am at right now, I am page I have maxed sword mastery, I am going to max booster next, after that power guard. I feel like I should be putting points into final attack at some point though, what do you think? I am completely unfunded, I have maybe 30 - 40mil so, keep that in mind I have really high dex and low damage if that makes a difference
FA only works on 1st and 2nd job skills, and by early 4th job you'll be using ACB/Blast only so I wouldn't recommend maxing FA. Even with relatively high DEX I would still opt away from FA as you won't be using it whatsoever by level 12x. I have 20 Sword Mastery, 20 Sword Booster, 30 Power Guard, 20 Threaten and then the remaining SP I used to max out most of the 1st job skills.
What first job skills would you say are useful then? Hp regen is pretty useless with how cheap pots are compared to how much you make just grinding. Sure, in fourth job final attack is useless but that's a pretty long way to go still. I maxed final attack in second job and never regretted it. Training with power strike on high-hp mobs or even bosses like latanica is really fun. Final attack does increase damage there and it's just more fun IMO. I did max it last, but you could probably do it before threaten if you want to. Or if you really really want it before power guard but that one is actually pretty nice too.
I remember I was bored and put some points into BW to try it after I maxed power guard and threaten. Anyway you aren't missing much if you don't put stuff on 1st job skills, I doubt healing 50 hp once in a while is gonna help when you have like 20-30k hp. Now that FA was buffed recently and you can deactivate it it's probably the best choice
Wait, Also new Paladin here. I was also following this guide and am worried i've messed up the SP. I'm level 61 and put my spare SP into sword mastery as well for flexibility, Threaten would be more important to finish then FA now right?
Why not? It's an active skill now so still pretty decent if you train at bosses and use mainly power strike. Better than getting double mastery anyway.
Hey, I noticed in the guide they mention to max lightning first at third job if you want to grind gobies. It doesn’t seem like gobies or the houses and weak to lightning so could shed some light as to why that would be the plan? Also, any recommendations on what to max first for a grinding character that likely won’t buy leech at third job ?
I would start with fire before lightning. More coverage on weak/normal against fire mobs throughout leveling 70-100. You shouldn't stay grinding one mob the whole time, it's best to find parties and grind in different maps with the card buff then move to the next. Party grinding is faster than PPQ/RJpq once 80+ Use this for monster comparisons: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/2023-leveling-guide.157840/
hi! the reason we max lightning for gobies is because ice freeezes them and forces them to sink where you cant attack them, we cant use fire because they resist that so we have to use lightning for the +30% damage.
As a pally u really don't need to hp wash. Even with no Int gear u should be able to do most bossing. U should also have room to wash a bit if u want to. 40 int to reach 20k+ and ~90 for 28k to 30k