Good morning, So far in my journey of MapleRoyals, I have noted that certain maps tend to attract certain crowds. These crowds are all able to relate to each other in some way, whether in fashion, mapleroyals playing styles, IRL nations, guilds, or usually, just nice friends. They all tend to have a set of unwritten codes of conduct that the resident must abide by, or else he is pushed away from the group by the use of cyberbullying/harassing/trolling/ignoring. So lately there seems to has been a rise in group-identity, in that I mean that the whole group has starting co-ordinating themselves better to act as one entity rather than separate units. Even if these units don't break any rules like mass defame or harassing, they still have a great power to cause tremendous damage to a player's reputation collectively through private blacklists and also the pubic community blacklist. A group's members will usually all support each other on the forum and give very clever witty arguments and counter-arguments on why a certain player should be blacklisted. I am here to tell you that they indeed may be co-ordinated within the group and acting as one entity to get you blacklisted. They have diplomatic ties with popular players from completely different walks of life that can come to their aid on forums and make it look like a wider community supports them instead of just paid writers. Some of these factions have been highlighted in the screenshots below, these are mere examples, I'm sure the real hideouts are actually hidden remote distant maps that are hard for the average mapler to get to. Anyways, my point here is that certain maplers hang out with each other, to the point at which they have tribalized into people acting as one entity. So like the HeneHoes for example, can decide to dump all their appos on the market together, to lower their price. Or the FM 16 people, can post to the blacklist thread, to get a player of their choice blacklisted if it was a distant friend of a friend for example. I don't know anything about the Cloudy/Sunny guild or what they consist of or what they do, but they too, may be up to something we can't even imagine the likes of. I'm not saying we have to resolve this, I'm just observing what seems to be happening here. If the below groups polarize into two distinct, different sides, we could eventually have a mass forum-drama or fame-war or smega-battle looming. Which will be very entertaining indeed to watch. These members of these tribes are usually known to inflate each other's egos constantly to ensure that the members have the stamina to carry out their respective duties. There seems to also be some love bombing / heavy flirting involved, which I don't know the intentions of, maybe I'm just perceiving their actions/words the wrong way, or maybe they do have some kind of intent to bend me a certain way, or maybe they're actually just being nice. idk. Now the players from these tribes sometimes float from one to another and are part of different tribes at the same time. Double or triple agents, with their own agenda. So there is interaction within the different groups that we can't exactly make a precise model of. All I can deduce is that interrelationships between players are quite complex. Some examples of the crowds (these are all public maps so I didn't get any consent to take these screenshots, hope no one minds cuz this is all public): FM CH1 The King of Kings Not much has to be said about this one, items and services are bought and sold here, people also hang out here, and have favourite spots where they like to afk along with their friends. FM CH15 Seems to be hangout for LiquorStore and FlatEarth along with other guilds, not much is known. [Not much present atm but sometimes it's full to the brim with LiquorStore and FlatEarth] I suspect this is where the uwuminati plot their next moves, on who to rain blessings upon and who to cast out of popular favour by the use of reactionary smegas FM CH16 Interesting, quite a few popular forum members seem to be hanging out here FM CH20 The legendary player has been spotted: DLCKDANN He probably has his own little cult of followers that obey his in-game commands in exchange for in-game mesos or youtube shoutouts. He is one of the only oligarchs of Royals that I know of. Who knows how the KERNING guild will manipulate the market of scrolled items? No one knows. Included this screenshot just to document him. FM CH 5 Hobby and Sanrio hangout FM CH8 Rice/9inch Hangout CH 9 Cloudy/Sunny hangout Wow their matching nametags, blue-theme and blue chair look uber cute The Kerning Hoes These people are known to afk in Kerning. They sometimes help new players by giving away mesos/equip, and also guiding them through their first few KPQs. There occur some fun, deep and meaningful conversations 06:00 servertime. Fights do happen here sometimes, but mostly it's peaceful and just friends chatting. Sometimes Hebrew, English, Urdu, Spanish, and Japanese have often been heard being spoken here. Fm Ch 3 Seems to be 'dogs' guild hideout. 'Bariey' here defamed me and I suspect it was under the orders of etumimi's minions cuz I threw her a random defame last night (for my own personal reasons). So definitely some collusion happening here. HeneHoes (1) World Star guild so as you can see, they used to be in fm ch 14, but they moved, let's go find out why they have moved their guild hangout spot. I went out to check out fm ch 14 expecting a rival guild to have taken over, but it was completely desolate. DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying any of this is true, I'm not saying I believe any of this, this is just fun spam, not meant to be offensive, I'm not taking a side, I'm completely neutral. Not trying to harass or blame anyone for anything. Just trying to give my observations. Staff is omnibenevolent of course. P.S. I like using big words without knowing what they mean, so please forgive me. Opening this up for discussion: do you think there are different tribes on MapleRoyals that work together for a specific goal (I'm not talking about literal 'guilds', but more of a loose web of people who share the same political opinion? do you think they can polarize into two distinct factions? could they eventually go to war?
That's not so much cringe as it is painful to listen to for different reasons entirely pls put a warning on that next time because that mic static thing going on is... a lot. (Though maybe it's my fault bc curiosity got the best of me anyway lmfao)
@Leisure sorry bro, I could not resist. P.S with no offence! If you feel offended I will take it down.