I made a new islander gear guide, have a look: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/comprehensive-islander-gear-guide.211992/
I am interested! This is too exciting. I have a question for dex-lander, since the goal is to meet 80 min attack. But how many DEX is required to actually reach that? I understand it could depends on the eqs. But I felt like pure dex per leveling at early stage is sacrificing a lot of potential max attack which results in slow leveling. Did I miss anything here?
To 1 hit mush/pig Pure DEX - about level 30+ Pure STR - about level 50+ Unable to give an exact level/AP since it depends on your WA
Thanks, I found this https://royals.ms/forum/threads/comprehensive-islander-gear-guide.211992/ super helpful as guidance. I totally understand based on math or experience that dex lander has advantages. But given the early stage, when you can use some str to do more dmg, it is still beneficial to go pure dex? I am currently around 10+ lv and I found killing mushies hard as the dmg doesn't seems to be very promising The reason for my concern is that, with end game dex eqs, you are basically wasting dex at the cost of doing more max dmg. So I wonder if there is a optimal AP build path for best grinding experience.
Going pure STR only seems worth it at level 10~20+ As the difficulty of leveling gets harder at level 30+ onwards, the lack of one hitting mush/pig will slow down the training speed before you can reach level 50+ for the one hit damage It's really up to you if you feel pure STR is better and wants to go for it There isn't an optimal AP path, just a choice of whether to go pure STR or pure DEX
Thanks for the explanation. So just to be clear that pure Dex will eventually go str at some point after one hit mushies right
After you 1-hit mushies, you can either: Keep pumping dex, mostly to raise min damage in case you want to use weaker weapons like a low atk high speed broom or fruit knife in the late game Pump str, to see those big numbers (and possibly be more effective if a harder mob is ever added to island) Pump luk to try and reach max dodge chance for mushies (see the luk section of my guide for targets)
I would prefer to see high numbers, and I highly predict they are going to introduce Balrog into island some day . Are we allowed to transfer cash items from my other account into this islander? like rose or googles from summer event
Although they not gonna add Jr Balrog, since you aiming for it - would need 110 Accuracy at level 80 (230 at level 50) I hit Jr Balrog on the island before with my pure DEX islander
You can transfer NX items from your offlander on the same account through the cash shop inventory. Notably: event NX, GM prize NX, and scrolled pet equips. If it's on another account you can make a new islander and transfer it the same way, and then trade it to the islander on the other account, but only if the item is tradable (pet equips are not tradable and thus are account-locked)
Cool, nice. I am getting to enjoy this mode. Any events will be scheduled soon? I found no one is cc1.
The next server event will be easter, but in past years it's not really an islander event since you can't do the gold compass quest. The most active time for islanders is Christmas (because of Maplemas lights drops and Christmas star trade-in) and anniversary (because of candle/coin trade-in). Have you joined an island guild yet? (Shroomies, Island, NamoAmitabha) If you're in, you'll be able to see if another islander is on. NamoAmituofo is online quite a bit, and there's usually one or two others here and there. Right now I'm taking a break from islanding to work on my characters for Dave's World Tour challenge.
Hello. Any active islanders? Recently started up again (I used to island a long looong time ago...) and I'm looking to join whatever guild is most active atm. My IGN is DrewIsland Any tips or advice on farming these anniversary coins? I can't tell if the coin mobs spawn on a timer or after x amount of kills or pure random.
Now is a great time for islanding because many people comeback for anniversary. You can get in touch via the islander discord server, and the most active guilds right now are NamoAmitabha and Shroomies. Coin spawns are pure random, I've had back-to-back golds before and nothing for hours other times. Make sure you're doing the jump quest by talking to the guy in Amherst every 12 hours, it gives 30 coins each time and only takes ~4mins once you learn it.
Thanks for the tip about the jump quest. Took me a few but I imagine it gets easier after repeated attempts. I think coin mobs have a chance to spawn whenever a new mob spawns, so in theory if you clear faster you probably have a higher chance of encountering them. I'll join whoever wants to add me, I'll probably be pretty active the next month or so. Could you link the islander discord server? I would appreciate it mate.