Confirming LordMedian post as above. Also, in [Magatia - Alcando Research Instritute Lab - Area C-2] I have gotten Maple Steel Axe and Maple Havoc Hammer. Not too sure if its from Roids or Neo Huroid. Hope this helps
i've been hunting Lorans forever and i got a full inv of eqps but no lvl 43 maple gun Edit: Been hunting Kirps for 15-20 mins and already got a gun. So if you ever need a lvl 43 maple gun Kirps all the way
Speaking about Magatia mobs, are we going to see a buff in spawn rates anytime soon? They're a shell of their former self.
ohhhh, are you sure, i could have sworn the one i got yesterday was in the 80's but maybe not, I sold it