Character Name:Sh0oK Last thing you did:Smega Why do you think you got banned?:Autoban from a smega. I honestly no idea you couldn't smega the word "scammer". I was selling zakum helmets for 80m each. Reloots were 35m each if you wanted another. I explained this many times before we went into the run. Moniqaa/Hernan was buying a helm and at the end looted one. I said do you need another reloot and got no response as he dropped the first and looted the second. The second buyer got his two and payed the 115m for both. When we got outside to trade I traded Moniqaaa and asked for the payment. She put up 80m and I responded that the reloot she took was 35m more on top of that price. One of our party members had already explained this in spanish before the run. She then refused to pay the other 35m after talking for a bit and the other member explaining it (again) in spanish. She then left and I wasn't too worried about it, but wanted to let others in the server know to be careful with him on runs. I then smega'd "Moniqaa/Hernan is a scammer he didn't pay for zhelm wtc out". Auto Banned instantly. Here is part of the trade exchange. Ban message when attempting to log in: "Sh0oK attempt to broadcast illegal smega." What GM banned you (optional):Auto ban
I've mentioned this in staff chat - I hope that someone will be able to fine-tune the smega autoban system to exclude Moniqaa's name!