In Discussion Content Rose Garden Nerf/Adjustments

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Raimie, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. Green Mind

    Green Mind Donator

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I would like to be able to do something with the 2000+ (already tossed 400) burning energies on my FP that doesn't involve untradables from VL.
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  2. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    And another day goes by without any of the mage balance concerns here addressed by staff.

    Rip mages D:
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  3. eVolve

    eVolve Donator

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Another day goes by without addresses to the concerning 5% ring drop rate :'(
    CodGhost, FuznesS and Sylafia like this.
  4. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Dec 31, 2018
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    it is 10% drop rate all along :VLowo:

    "can't fix your bad luck" - Confucius
    NasiLemak, FuznesS and eVolve like this.
  5. GunzGaming

    GunzGaming Donator

    Sep 15, 2017
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    Why is the drop rate so bad for a ring that has worse stats than a krex ring? Feels backwards
    FuznesS likes this.
  6. Rielle

    Rielle Game Balancer

    May 13, 2019
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    Appreciate everyone's feedback here and keeping the discussion on topic with very well thought out ideas!

    Going to premise this with a disclaimer that I don't represent all of Staff's viewpoints at all. Just voicing my own opinion regarding some of these arguments. In no way do I think RG is in a perfect state. Several players have definitely voiced ideas that I can agree on and could explore further into. There are some where I'm still questioning on (and also wanted to vomit out my own thoughts) here:

    Upping the ring drop chance?
    Given that this ring is a new potential BiS ring, at what point should the drop rate be increased before other rings just get rendered obsolete? Saying it would take x amount of years to get a perfect mainstat ring is discounting the viability of still getting a decent ring that one would still use, or attempt to 30%/cs for something pretty good. Not everyone is here to min-max their stats and missing out on a few is not going to kill a build. Consider the extreme case of making the ring just as available as krex. What would happen to the other rings that have a place in the ring line-up (Ephinia's Ring, Miwok Rings)? Not an econ expert but I also anticipate that RoAs wouldn't be free from devaluation.
    In RG's current state, the ring is not hard to farm for. It takes less than 20 minutes (less than 10 for some) for a solo player to farm one of the best rings in the game along with nx, totems, and earrings. There's hardly a desire to invest in any expensive attack pots if one just wants boss drops. If we want a higher chance to obtain the rings, then the dungeon itself would need to be "harder" in all fairness. Nonetheless, this wasn't really designed around the ring as the bonus is meant to be very valuable and sought after as well.​

    Strong classes outshining mages

    Personally I don't see the problem considering the amount of funding it takes for classes to start outshining mages. Definitely not all classes are there, but I'm just looking at the concept right now. For once, we have farming content where my funded attackers can outshine my mages that I only pooled a fraction of the funding in. Is this something too outrageous to consider? Outside of RG, there's dozens of places to farm solo on my mage still. I can't really say the same for the others. This isn't to say that mages can't be profiting a lot from RG. With the correct rotation and telecasting, it's still quite a profitable piece of content. This also allows me to transition into my thoughts on the state of mages.
    My bishop with echo exceeds the 4-hit breakpoint for garden golems. Someone can double check the math here (would be appreciated!):
    ~1429 TMA for BS to 5 hit map 3 100% of the time
    ~1638 TMA for BS to 4 hit map 3 100% of the time
    ~1300 TMA for BS to 1-hit Skeles for skele leaching
    F/P and I/L require far less tma for their respective mobs. It's not even close. But balancing them relative to bishops in RG would be another discussion.

    So a bishop funding further to 1400+ TMA has an option to potentially make more income than one that stays at 1300 TMA selling skele leech with some pros and cons that I'll try to name:
    • Does not have to spend time searching for a leech buyer.
    • Earns rewards from King Castle Golem
    • Does not have to spend time npcing equips
    • Prequest
    • Requires funding and leveling (for some, just leveling is enough)
    • Can lowroll and make less than skele leech if bees seldom spawn
    • Lower chance at jackpot equips that skeles has
    From my personal experience I typically make much more than what I would selling skele leech. I find it more than worth it to invest in a stronger mage to do RG efficiently. And for those that fund their mages towards higher breakpoints, there's definitely value.

    That being said, I agree that RG bonus could definitely use more tweeking. I'm not opposed to applying a bee hard-cap if it's to even out the massive income gap. With a hard-cap there's not much reason to keep certain restrictions. Where I disagree is on the notion that injecting raw mesos is just taboo.
    Injecting too many mesos? Sure, that can be bad.
    A reasonable amount for time/funding invested? Why not? We've had meso injection in the form of npc-able items forever. For the most part, it was restricted to mage classes. Now we have an option for attackers to play as well, meaning one has more character diversity when it comes to making a stable income. It encourages a player to play the class they want to play more and undermines the norm of "I have to make a mage to make money". Contrary, we might say mages could use the same treatment which is still in discussion.

    I never really had the intention of RG being a precursor to Von Leon in mind, but I do see what potential it can have in doing so. However, let's not discount how others would want RG to cater to them. Right now, RG serves as a separate piece of content for solo grinders amidst the party content (LHC grinding, Von Leon) in LHC. Not every player strives to take on Von Leon no matter how much you try to convince them, so I felt that it's not the healthiest strategy to tailor RG rewards toward Von Leon enjoyers with gelts, accuracy/avoid potions, etc. Even with gelts we'd have to be very careful not to step on toes of the apple market. They can't be too easy to get and if they're too hard to get, it's not worth it.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    NasiLemak, NANI1, GunzGaming and 10 others like this.
  7. eVolve

    eVolve Donator

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Isn't Almighty Ring still BiS? 8 all stat 2 slot versus 7 all stat 1 slot? Krex is twice a day, free and takes around the same time (40minutes). Sure, you dont make 100-150m a run but you are guaranteed 2 rings a day for your efforts. I wouldn't and I am not advocating for the Ifia ring drop rate to be a 100% guarantee but saying 10% is reasonable really surprises me.
    If we're going to be worried about other rings currently in circulation becoming obsolete or affecting their economy, would it be reasonable to suggest some kind of bee powder exchange for a 1stat all Ifia ring for say 100x powders? Maybe add a ring stimulator or larger powder amount for a chance at godly roll?

    Pros; mesos sink, people like me complaining about the horrible drop rate now have a chance at a guaranteed ring

    Cons; endgame nl/shad only need 1/2 roa, not 2/3?
  8. Rielle

    Rielle Game Balancer

    May 13, 2019
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    If you're just considering Ifia's ring, you only need to do the main content of RG and leave afterwards if you want. For many, it only takes 10-15 minutes to do so.
    If we want to address the difference in investment and rewards for the two:
    - 500m hp
    - Valuable for its ring and exp
    RG (up till the boss only)
    - 2 gathering stages, boss 40m hp
    - Valuable for its ring, totems, and potential scrolls/earring drop
    For Krexel, the ring is a primary goal. With RG, there's lots of value that comes out of it that the ring can be considered secondary and still be worth doing.

    I'm not fully against making the ring more available, but in RG's current state I find the grind to be effortless to justify making it easier to obtain. Your idea for having the ring be craftable/exchangeable seems more reasonable as it looks at making the effort-for-reward more equal.
    NasiLemak, Becca and Zancks like this.
  9. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    I think a lot of the damage has already happened, just from the ring existing. But looking at ROA sales from the first few days after it was announced should give a closer idea, before people figured out how terrible the rate is. I don't have the data on that - you'd have to ask for the logs.

    Miwok is still BiS, and RoA is still BiS for mages and people not in endgame (look how much cheaper VL shoes are just from being lv 140 - now think about a lv 170 untradable)

    Ephenia is relatively cheap from a pq that gives quite good exp.

    Really I think the issue comes from the ring being able to go godly - if it was just allstat 0-2 1 slot, no godly then it would be fine and require people to still invest in chaosing them, for only marginal gains over a tradable roa. But it's too late to fix that now, so instead we need to figure out what to actually do with it. I'd personally say 20-30% drop would be reasonable, or give players an (expensive) way to get more.

    That's one of the issues I see with RG right now. The NX is actually reasonable, but totems really should be halved (or even lower). Clearing boss in 10 mins repeatedly (pretty achievable if you have decent gear, and then trade it all to the next char) is ~300m/hr which seems wayyyy too high

    Seeing as mage farming ability has continually been the reason to exclude them from 90% of endgame content, this feels like a massive middle finger to mages - not only are you continuing to be excluded from bosses but now other classes can do "your" thing AND still boss.

    ... for far less profit, or far more effort for similar profit, to the point where it seems worth it to just make a ton of Rose Garden mules instead (except since it's new there's the fear that it'll be nerfed right after finishing)

    Roughly accurate, I got 1650 to 4hit. And ~1900 to 3hit. IL is ~1450 to 3hit, but yes I agree that's a separate discussion that I don't feel qualified to provide data on. Map layout/spawn can be used somewhat to help balance between mages.

    Not necessarily the worst, especially seeing recent cs/ws prices I think some pure meso might help. But it should be very carefully monitored to see widespread effects on the economy, and if necessary, a new longterm meso sink should be planned/added. The issue was mostly on release a LOT of meso was added since it was being run much more for that cs chance.

    Giving mages something else they excel at (preferably solo client) would be great and help a lot. But from a player's perspective I've only seen "no we can't do that, mages are too good at farming," so I have very little hope of that ever being a thing.

    I'd like to thank you for your response and letting us know that the feedback here is being read, and hopefully RG changes are still possible
    Succubus, ImVeryJelly, MaiAh and 2 others like this.
  10. Aeronautics

    Aeronautics Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2017
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    corgi oshiri
    they are both BiS since we have 4 ring slots. excluding krex and some weaker rings we currently have:
    • valentines ring (approximately 8~9 stat): obtainable once a year and pretty easy to get -> doesn't beat max-stat ifia
    • wedding ring (9~13 stat): takes ws + 10%/30%, still pretty costly -> can arguably beat max-stat ifia by 1 stat through absurd luck/cost
    • miwok (8 stat): obtainable once a year, requires RNG to roll -> doesn't beat max-stat ifia
    • roa (6 stat): single stat is cheap but price goes up crazy (10~18b historically) for stacked 6-stats -> doesn't beat the max-stat ifia
    so it's pretty apparent that RoA has the biggest chance of getting replaced by ifia and therefore its obtainability should really be benchmarked with RoA costs for now imo. considering that a max-stat ifia will most certainly be the next BiS after the krex ring slot and how rewarding RG already is without the ring at all, I would say the rate is in a pretty good spot now.
    Moeyuki, s934, lee1 and 1 other person like this.
  11. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    yo i want more bees please

    but bis rings imo:

    ifia ring (max primary stat)
    miwok ring (max primary stat+some secondary stat)
    krex ring (max primary stat)
    valentines day ring 2 carat

    (excluded rings that are no longer obtainable like the 2013 beginners ring)
  12. Rielle

    Rielle Game Balancer

    May 13, 2019
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    Was not really my intention to insinuate this. My argument is mainly on the idea that attackers didn't have a very unique and stable source of income (or income at all for that matter) that doesn't involve group content. The way I see RG is that it helps fill in that gap. Since it's only available once a day, I don't find attackers to be dominant money-makers still. Mages are viable for money-making in RG and can still make their income outside of it like normal. By all means you could level up an army of x class to 170+ and do the prequest on them all if you find that's worth the personal investment. But again, I think the income from RG is overtuned in general, especially for the very funded. The amount of totems out of KCG was an oversight.

    This is something that's still highly debated in that other thread among members of the community. Giving mages some more viability is not off the table. To be frank, I would love to give mage mains more bossing power rather than keep them as F---- tier.
    Becca and Sylafia like this.
  13. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Please, don't nerf bees too hard. I think its fair if your attacker is strong and better at mobbing then you shouldn't be punished for making slightly more money in RG. Should I be penalized for having perf Flame Sword+Shield that makes my Hero/Paladin go POG in RG while someone else with 130 Stonetooth can pull same numbers as me?
    Will we finally be able to consider making a FP mage to lv 200 with split bossing/farming (Zak/HT/NT) instead of only farming/LHC? LF>Teasers :matt:
    LLew, Fill, MaiAh and 1 other person like this.
  14. Hwaiting

    Hwaiting Donator

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I think alternative mage content that isn't quad ulu/selling leech is healthy for the game.

    This is off topic, but I've already provided feedback on RG so here it goes anyway. I think mages would have more bossing power if Pink Bean was released. IIRC this is due to Pink Bean's physical damage resistance; you can see this in other private server metas, where people take mages at Pink Bean for magic damage/clearing trash mobs.
    LLew, Green Mind and MaiAh like this.
  15. MaiAh

    MaiAh Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    So what happens when people start make-invest in drk/hero/shad/buc/pala "mules" to farm RG and bonus bees (where drk and shad exceeds rates by far then all other even with lower fund) nerf again? thats the team that allready has LHC partys going on so it not that hard to reach RG aswell

    but am mostly disapointed in the mage nerfs (not just with RG but with all other content) that is constantly nerfed or excluded from content and events and be thrown as naked mule low lvl farmers...

    but it is what it is like other said get used or move on... i don't agree but oh well
  16. s934

    s934 Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2019
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    There are multiple issues - let's address them one at a time.

    1) RG released as end-game content this late in the server's age - should be equal for all classes, not skewed towards any particular classes. So, let some data be gathered to compare low/mid/high funding results between attackers and mages and make them balanced, shouldn't be that hard.

    2) RG income is overtuned still - I agree as my average 185 hero (with 37 cgs + 129 st ~10b funding) is making ~225m/hr off-event (~360m+/hr during event) average when I used to farm maps for scrolls at 60m/hr. Needless to say I have never seen this much meso before coming in that fast. Actually I'm more concerned with the event rates since it is seriously crazy right now probably due to the drop rate affecting RG results multiplicatively. Off-event rate is still very good but not as broken due to the 40min cap and the grind is still a deterrence at times. I believe more funded players are getting 1.2-1.7x more than my above listed rates which is scary to think about.

    3) Mages were designed to be farmers, not bossers - this is a fundamental design of old-school Maplestory. If fundamental roles like these are changed, it wouldn't be old-school Maple anymore. It would probably start feeling like some of these other private servers with custom classes and skills. RG was created to fill in the niche of solo attackers be able to make high income. Yes there was a niche, but wasn't this niche part of the class balance? Attackers are good at bossing, farming boss drops and income. They should suck at making income through farming or at least be capped so it's less than mage farming. I personally wouldn't mind if RG income was halved (and maybe ring drop ^) even then it would still be good income for what it is.

    tl;dr - RG should be equal to all classes since it was introduced so late in the server's age and should still be tuned down significantly as to not fill a class balance breaking niche.

    Edit - as I think about RG designed to "fill in the gap for solo attackers to make stable income" this point really needs more justification. Why should attackers have advantages of other classes? Why not then say "lets fill in the gap for mages to boss well" or "lets fill in the gap for NL's to do map-wide attacks". Point is gaps may and should exist between classes since each has specific and unique roles to fulfill.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    Neried56, MaiAh, lxlx and 2 others like this.
  17. Cynn

    Cynn Donator

    Dec 23, 2017
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    Out of curiosity is 225m with appling the content and somewhere around 35~40 bees and you're including NX/Totems?

    I think its near impossible to balance content for all classes, I guess you could argue for sure put a little bit more power back to mages, but I personally think its fine to have skewed content. Most content should have strengths and weaknesses of class niches.

    Krex/Zak/Toad/BGA are all pretty solo attack heavy. While Arms are mutli target yes, arms is such a small portion of zak's total HP.

    To be quite honest, single target attackers also thrive more in end game area boss farming. An average corsair/NL with SE mule will melt Anego/ToT bosses/Levithans/Samurai compared to most warriors

    Auf is very clearly single target where heroes/drks have almost no place at all since unfortunately, they cannot really pin it unless they have an absurdly high range and/or are on a pot higher than apple.

    AoE attackers thrive in VL/LHC. Nightlords are basically banished from almost all LHC content outside of Golems. I've had failed recruits where someone would add a NL as one of the attackers and 1-2 people would immediately leave lol

    HT is pretty weird. AoE attackers outside of Shadowers aren't very welcomed. You'll rarely find a smega party that'll gladly welcome 2 warriors, many don't even want one outside of a Paladin. So I won't touch much on HT.

    The closest we have to balanced content I feel is CWK, you do need 2 single target attackers and 1-2 AoE Attackers.

    I think RG was mostly balanced/released with AoE attackers in mind. I think it looks so unfair because other mage-bossing friendly content doesn't exist at the moment. I think it's inevitable they'll feel massive fomo as we dont' have lightning speed releases. I think its a good idea to just make the next future content have a bit more mage love to give them something to actually work towards and incentivize them to gear up without just making them a new BiS farming map. And yes when the time comes, I'm sure they'll also release new single target content, show SE some love too thanks :garnet::pepehug:
    Saledor, NTR and Rielle like this.
  18. Rielle

    Rielle Game Balancer

    May 13, 2019
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    I mean I'm just spit-balling my own opinion. At the end of the day I don't have the ultimate say in what happens, but this concept is still being explored. I do respect my team's opinions as well as the community's over my own for the most part.

    RG wasn't intended to become another mage-meta content while mages are still the money-making champions. Their performance on release just turned out to be higher than expected. This isn't to say that mages aren't welcome in RG. Like I said, from my personal experience I still find it worthwhile to invest more into a mage for better bee rates. Before this event, my bishop was averaging 25-32 bees with 25-26 minute bonus time.

    The reason I'm a bit more fixated on hard-capping bees is that it can help level off the meso rates that one can make per RG session per character. One would still be making the same mesos/time, there's still merit in becoming stronger to reach the bee cap sooner, and it gives more freedom to balance and reconsider the restrictions imposed before. The main caveat I have for it is that it does reduce the depth and intricacy that RG bonus has and might not feel as encouraging to min/max dps and map rotation, which does make me sad.
    SirRetro, NTR and Zancks like this.
  19. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    I have to respectfully disagree with this take. You may be right that if RG rewards were designed that way ( rewarding att pots & stuff ), some players wouldn't bother with RG at all. Is this a bad thing though? As of now, RG is the most popular meso earning system in the game, where almost everyone is doing it. It's no longer a matter of choice for players, you want meso? Go RG. You want more meso? Go RG with more characters. That's what this is.

    Do you truly believe that a generic meso earning system where every level 170 character has access to and can simply generate 150m+ in 40 minutes is healthier than untradeable potions? Also, the usage of these kind of potions aren't limited to von leon only, so i don't really see this as something that is only catered towards players that does von leon. Some people would do it for faster HT time, some people would do it because they're not geared and feel like they need a boost for their boss runs. Some would do it just to hoard, and if the old xp rate was brought back, some wouldn't even care about the rewards and just doing rg for the xp. In terms of how untradeable pots would impact the apple market, that would be up to the balance team to find that sweet spot then.

    Also, with an exchange system, there's always the potential to add more incentives to run RG in the future when theres more content added.

    Right now, this whole rg system reminds me of those mobile games where you need to login daily for your daily login reward. Login today and do RG for your daily 200m!
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
    RadiantPulse, Donn1e, Raimie and 7 others like this.
  20. Shnang

    Shnang Donator

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Just gonna add in on this, the key difference is that mobile games (or those that I have come across) do not have trading of ingame currency thus making dailies truly... Dailies... Imagine doing dailies on multiple accounts only to compound your wealth into 1 main account. ~f3

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