Hello everyone I really need discuss about get a spot to put your store in free market, today i was looking for a spot in channel 1 and in FM3 i saw an empty space with someone there, ofc i give me a try and go there and actually i got the spot but immediately the person who was in that space insisted that I return the position because he was "resetting" his store and here is where i'm strongly disagree, because if his point is true, nobody can get a spot in freemarket ever because everyone needs to reset his store. I really hate this situation, people talk to you like you are doing something wrong but there is nothing wrong with it, i just was looking for a space, i saw it, and i try to get it. If the rules say that I have to wait for someone to completely leave their position then it is a totally unfair situation, because in most cases people are months in the same position. I need to read more opinions, I'm honestly upset with this topic, I finally gave the space back to the player but I found it totally unfair. Well that's it. Have a nice day
if you sniped the spot fairly then its all good trying to max out the 24 hours between is a choice and not a guarantee that the spot belongs to anyone if they can't reset before the 24 hours to prolong the shop spot, then that's on them I would say you were very generous to give back the spot even if there are complaints, and coercion that its "toxic behaviour" that's just gaslighting from an entitled mentality
You can think about it this way Although he claims it's unfair for you to "take" his spot cause he's resetting the store Is it really fair toward others that he's able to keep claiming the same spot for more than 24 hours? He had his turn, why can't he let others have theirs? (it's a Free Market) If he feels it's his spot, he should do his own part and reset it faster than anyone else can take it Whether to "give" back the spot is really up to you Personally for me, I decide based on the person's attitude Demanding: "fuck you, why did you steal my spot" - I won't give in Polite: "I was resetting the store, can I please have the spot back?" - I will give in Note: there's also the factor of potential forum drama or harassment (hoarding your store with 3 x mules to block visitors)
Yes sure! the player was polite but in these situations I feel that people could go against you, defame you or bother you with his guild and destroy your ingame experience just for snipe his spot in FM. I don't want to have problems with anyone but this topic definitely bothers me. Thx anyway for take your time and answer me.
You did not have to give it back. If you got the spot fair and square (without botting) then you deserve the spot. If they were nice about it and asked you could consider giving it back but even then you dont have to.
Tell that person to git gud and STFU with his entitled snowflake mentality. Honestly if they are that slow and can’t reset their store in less than two seconds when nobody was even camping them to begin with, they deserve it to be taken just for that. Call me toxic call me whatever you want but this kind of thing was around since the beginning of FM in GMS and should stay that way, whats pissing me off even more that some of these slow clowns have the audacity to post that kind of stuff on blacklist thread trying to blacklist legit and good players by ruining their reputation just because they were too slow to type their long cringe message in their store name. TL ; DR you did NOTHING wrong OP (as long as it was all legit and without botting ofc) and whoever tells you otherwise is a douche Thats my rant about these kind of people, have a nice day