This may be true but I sell leech solely for the gain of mesos, so if you want leech I'll give it to you as long as it is lucrative for me lol
I really REALLY wish I had recorded this, but in my experience I found that Gobies 1-hit leech was FAR superior compaired to Ulu 1 1-hit up to level 90. (I did Ulu 1 till 87, went back to Gobies and the levels just felt SO much faster). You can test this if anyone is curious! I just thought I'd mention it since it says to do Gobies until 85.
yes gobbies is actually very fast in my opinion. i sell it whenever i get the chance because the exp is amazing for them and frankly its amazing money (35m+npc and overall int 60% scrolls)
It is a bit faster, but I don't like dealing with all the mobs floating towards the leecher. Ulu Estate 1 has a great varity of high level equips for selling and using.
Okay so I'm not crazy Perhaps mention that in the guide though? The reason I went to Ulu 1 was because the guide recommended it for levels, but both myself and the leecher found Gobies just more enjoyable/faster.
I usually sell my 1hit leech at 50m and because you kill more when you 1hit the potential earnings are higher. I usually try to tell my clients what is the best option for leech and give them the options. So if someone says I want 2hit ulu2 I say "you can have that or I offer you 1hit Berzerkies which is better for you". Anyway I wanna ask about selling Leech as a Arch Mage. How profitable it is to sell Leech with an Archmage over a Bishop? I know that HS provides a 150% boost in exp over an ArchMage but is the faster attack speed of ArchMages and their normally lower levels needed to deal higher damage compensate for not having HS?
If someone asks me for WS leech when they are over level 80 I always suggest them take gobbys if they have autopot or stay to pot. If there is a better option I will suggest it, but if you want a certain leech I will give it to you if it is lucrative for me and that is what you want specifically
The XP per monster and how many hits it takes does not give a clear cut percentage difference. Berserkies are far from Skeles despite the amount of hits it takes. One shot means you have to wait for monsters to spawn so it's not exactly 50%. Sure. I'll get to it when I have time. Contrary to popular belief and despite having Spell Booster, Genesis is faster than Arch Mage Ultimate Spells. The 50% increase in XP is huge for leeching. Make a Holy Symbol mule if you're considering selling leech with an Arch Mage.
Hey @Plenty, I know leech pre-lvl53 isnt optimal, but since my new gunslinger has 25 base dex and 197 base int, i have no choice but to leech it. Any idea where I can leech from lvl 42 to 50? I've tried master chronos but the exp isn't that great (Lost Time <2>)
To do list: Add lower level leeching Add rates for each location Chief Bandit leeching Dragon Knight leeching Add exchange quests Pretty everything up
You charge per hour, it's not like 70 to 120 takes 5hrs of leech lol...not to mention that the person should get to lvl 75 to leech. Anyway this guide needs an update, leech and item prices are outdated (1 hit Ulu2 is 55-60m, so are Skeles I suppose, and 1hit Petris with hs are easily 75m+), also honestly it's not hard to get blizzard/meteor 30 now, so required magic should get updated too! Btw. you need around ~1250 to 1hit goby houses as an archmage. I'm not sure about exact numbers, but I got 1220m right now and I can 1hit like 90% of them.