For a few days I can't let go of it and I started trying to trade it and it couldn't either, so today I read other threads and they said to put it in the cash shop and when I put it it disappeared from my inventory, My character is Maquiavelo I was in the nath, server time 22:50 today 10 minutes ago.
Hello, Character Issues such as bugged NX are usually resolved during Server Checks Hope this clarifies your concern
As the Admins resolve the various [Character Issues] based on the urgency and amount of requests, we are unable to provide an estimation of fixed date But we can assure you that your issue wasn't missed out (still on our task list) Apologies for the delay
It's been almost 2 months and no solution, why do the banned have a faster response than those of us who have a game error?
Regarding your concern, Ban Appeals can be replied to by the GMs, while Character Issues such as bugged NX/RP would require Admin's confirmation before issuing a refund For Character Issues, the Admins would also prioritize based on urgency such as the following - stuck character in certain maps - jailed characters due to questionable IGNs - bugged skills Examples of issues that would impact the player's activity to a large extent (unable to game as per normal)
Sorry for the wait, a GM will need to refund you this item in game, please let us know when you are next in game to make it easier for a GM to contact you. 1702120 - Veahmoth Sword