So something I discovered is that Archer weapons STR differs between MM/BM For example 1: White Nisrock - Requires 105 STR And White Neschere- Requires 100 STR For example 2: Crimson Arclancer - requires 90 STR Night Raven's Eye - require 135(?) STR For all I know this is the only class that add same primary stats with different requirement for their weapons (take thiefs for example) I suggest to balance all archer weapons to the same stats
that's because it always gives +2/3 att , including skill cross expert which gives +5 , I think it's a significant advantage for a hard hitting MM with a BM that has significant DPS , bow lvl 100 = 105 perfect clean , cross lvl 100 = 108 perfect clean , and so on
There's already enough tradeoff between the two classes that I don't think it warrants needing Bowmasters getting -5str off their weapons. Crossbows have slower attack speed than Bows (in the OG maple, Rangers outperformed Snipers in 3rd job) MMs require SI to reach optimal DPS whereas BMs don't BMs will generally outdps MMs even with SI, especially lategame. BMs will be picked over an MM in common bosses by the average player
My point that the 5 STR doesn't make sense, I'm all for both of BM/MM buffs but I'm mainly talking about the 5 stat inconsistency
I cant sympathize. Bow has a 90str requirement but can be rolled to 110att 7dex. Xbow has a 135str requirement and doesn't have godly roll chance
Staff shouldn't touch the stats because of the general speed difference between a bow and crossbow. That 1 speed difference is an overall 10% damage output which outweighs the stat gain of the ~4atk difference (5str+3atk). There's no need to step on the toes of the already few Marksman mains with this suggestion.
That's another inconsistency that should be fixed I'm talking in general - weapons in archer class aren't making much sense in stats requirement - need to fix Bowmaster/Marksman stat inconsistencies with weapons Again like I responded to eVolve, it's not only on the BM side of things, but also stuff that MM side need stat rebalanced and some additional weapons scaling
xDarkomantis raised the point that the stat requirement is higher for bm because of balancing. Yes I brought in 2 outlier weapons but that was to show that BM is already far more heavily favoured here in Royals so giving them a further advantage isn't justified
I added your example to the thread since it made sense I'm not talking about improving BM or MM in this thread, talking about the stats only, if there is a need for further skill balance I'm all for it but this is not the thread for it Why does NL/Shad have the same stats even though they have completely different abilities and both MM/BM doesnt?
You are asking for the str requirements of both bows and xbows to be consistent and we are saying that the str difference exists because of class balancing, you are asking for a class imbalance. You are misinterpreting what we are trying to say. I'm not asking for a skill or class balance in your thread
I understand what you're saying from the start but I just wanted to point out the stats inconsistencies that probably gm's haven't even thought about of course I don't say to change it without first balancing the skills between the 2 - but it's something that needs to be considered would you agree that staff needs to think about the stats when rebalancing the 2?
Sure, i'll make a comment about class balancing right after you said this isn't the thread for it. Crimson Arclancer should have a 120 or 125 str requirement to remain consistent with the Dragon Shiner Bow since it is the better bow. Raven's eye should have a 115 or 120 str requirement and roll the same way as a Dragon Shiner Cross would with the added +dex. Staff should definitely consider these changes for consistency
Generally the 5 less STR bows require is indeed due to xbows having higher attack. There are no plans to change that. Both, Crimson Arclancer and Night Raven's Eye have been adjusted for Royals in Update 67 and therefore are special cases. Let's keep those two for a seperate discussion.