IGN: TaQijo Why would you like to join: Because maple is way more fun when playing with people Recent heroic thing you have done: I told my GF she was wrong and I was right.
IGN: Gapanji A little info about me: I played MapleStory for 15 years (EMS) during it's prime peak. I played for 10 years non-stop straight and then 5 years afterwards on and off and now I'm getting back into the game. Why would I like to join? Heroic is a fantastic guild that has what I like. Active community, epic name and epic emblem. I think I would fit right in as I'm very very active both on discord, maple and in-game chat. I like to help everyone and never hesitate to share the knowledge I know that could be beneficial for some. Feel free to whisper me ingame on Gapanji if you'd like to talk more. Hope to hear from you soon. Fun fact - I won the GM Event 1st place after 3 days on the server which made me a billionaire pretty fast.
hello! welcome to royals! you are too kind!! thank you for saying all of that. we would be delighted to have you, we'll look for you and invite asap thank you for applying!
IGN: Grimmijow little details about me : i've started playing GMS when it started ( was 5 at the time) , loved it but beacuase my young age never accomplished anything significant. royals came and gave me a second chance at my older years (kinda) to fulfill my dreams and make godly characters. why would i like to join : i enjoy the company of carefree people who just wants to have fun and not worry about other stuff , like clout, dmg, hp etc. i play almost daily ( aside from studying and working) and would love to talk and connect with the guildies. heroic thing i've done : saved a dying cat while heavy raining and paid for everything for him to get well. feel free to whisper me on one of my characters : "
IGN: Kumabuns Why would you like to join: Joined royals during covid era but quit 2 years ago. Recently starting to play again and wanted to join an active guild to make things a bit more fun Recent heroic thing you have done: help out a stranger who got in a car crash in front of me
hello! well said, I think we're all here to do what we couldn't as kids! I wouldn't say what you did back then wasn't significant though! as long as you had fun right? omg, thank you for saving that cat!! would be lucky to have you! will look for you and invite when we can, thank you for applying
hello! welcome back to royals! aww, thank you for helping them! glad you were there! will reach out asap and invite you! thank you for applying
IGN: awickedloser Why would you like to join: I just started playing Maple for the first time ever two months ago and I'd like to make some friends What was the last heroic thing you've done: I spent days attempting the Zakum jump quests and after many, MANY failures I refused to give up and eventually beat it!
hello! welcome to royals! VERY GOOD!! GOOD JOB! I'm sure it wasn't that MANY! I, myself, took 2 hours the first time, so don't worry about it!! thank you for not giving up and grats on beating it!! ty for applying, will invite as fast as possible
IGN: Makiko Why would you like to join?: make friends, make memes, make memories Last heroic thing I've done: Eat broccoli for my little sister because she didn't want to.
IGN: Impregnatedd Why would you like to join?: My favorite song is Heroes (we could be) by alesso, tove lo Last heroic thing I've done: Touched grass for the first time and I regret it.
hello! your friends and memories are here!! wow, you're a good sister thank you on her behalf! ty for applying, will be searching for you!
hello! wow, a 2014 classic!! oh wow, I actually asked guildies recently if they ever touch grass for real or if it's just a saying LOL. so you're definitely ahead!! ty for applying, will be looking for you
ign: goldencorgi why would you like to join?: maple is definitely more fun with people to chat with and the guild seems like fun and chill so thats a plus last heroic thing i've done: played with my dog for 5 hours and he deserves it cause hes a good boy
hi there! yes we agree! wow 5 hours!! DESERVED! hope he got a treat too! ty for applying, will search far and wide for you
<3 always trying to look out for people as much as I can ! and btw, I am online right now if you're trying to find me
IGN: DoritosChip Why would you like to join?: I am a returning player and I would love to catch up with everything with some friendly and awesome people ! also, Aprils and Emi put me up to this, [Met them from Valorant] Last heroic thing I've done: Stopped in the middle of a road to save a hedgehog from getting run over then also gave it some water to drink and drove it to a nearby park, only to get a ticket because I was driving on the bus lane...
IGN: ItsWaifu Why would you like to join?: I played GMS for a long while in the late 2000s and had so many fond memories (and made good friends) and after awhile, really missed the game and would like to play again. Looking to vibe and enjoy Maplestory once more with chill like minded people who is down to give me a refresher (or 5) and be friends Last heroic thing I've done: Been a support friend to someone very near and dear to me who was struggling with life
hi!! welcome back to royals! wow aprils and emi! just met them!! they're the best omg are you okay?? was it sharp? did it hurt you? wow that reminds me of a time I did something nice and got a ticket right after too LOL. had mcdonalds in the backseat as well.. coldest mcdonalds I ever ate. anyway, ty for applying! will look for you!