Which is currently better, both bossing and overall.. I like DK for the overall tankiness, (HP), and has decent skills, however I like the damage buff on Hero. Never tried Hero but it looks pretty fun. I used to have a DK, and it was pretty fun to play. Any opinions on which is strong at the moment?
With the availability of AP resets in the server, HP shouldn't be a concern since one can wash a warrior to 30k HP
The majority would probably go with Hero before DK as it seems to favor new players due to their damage output on bosses(?) but go with your instincts and pick whichever you like to. You could possibly go with Paladin too, they are fun with their elemental weaponary.
I would say go with what you think is the most fun, unless you want to solo every boss (not possible) then that's a different thing. Don't forget the 30k HP NL
A DrK with the same equips as a Hero, The DrK will outdps the hero (both have maxed there skills ex:zerk,beholder-----advance combo att, brandish) for those who goes for dps characters as warriors But we have to zerk as a result we can die easier. and we dont have power guard, which reduces damage taken.
Do you mean DrK's has higher single target dmg than hero's? I mean more over time like, who would solo krex first.
Yea true , but he asked about krex (pure dps) Same thing about sairs vs nls , the pure dps is higher for sairs but vs most of the bosses the nl will win (full buffed)
So conclusion for the asker (my opinion) Drk are full played stronger (maybe not anego n stuff) and heros is more simpler (keep combos up and you're fine)
Id say hero has higher dps, drks are stuck with sky skis, which are normal speed. Heroes get ST which is fast. From my experience I attack probably around 2 times before a drk attacks. But no doubt, a drk with si is better, dps wise, than heros. But pls, theres like 3 active buccs on this server Also, heros get 250% dmg out of combo after maxing aca, drks only get 200% out of zerk.
yes but we have 3 lines. if you dont believe me we can test it out ingame better spear multiplier, and better mastery, 1 less speed then ST hero, same speed as claymore