"Finalized" Parties for today. Range Party 1. PureHeroin Lvl. 18x (Corsair) 2. Rough Lvl. 16x (Night Lord) 3. Sh0ok Lvl. 17x (Marksman) 4. Purge Lvl. 16x (Bishop) 5. PomfPomf Lvl. 16x (Night Lord) 6. LuckyLoook Lvl. 17x (Night Lord) Melee Party 1. MrBronkz Lvl. 18x (Hero) 2. Muren 17x (Bowmaster) 3. Barte 17x (Corsair) 4. Mikasa 19x (Hero) 5. Beenzino 17x (Corsair) 6. The run is at 3:30PM EDT*(server time)/8:30PM BST, you can convert that by using google.
Today's run has been cancelled due to personal circumstances, I hope you guys can understand! I'd host but I won't be home for another 20-30. Hope to see everyone else for tomorrow's run!
Current party for todays ht Range Party 1. PureHeroin Lvl. 18x (Corsair) 2. Sh0ok Lvl. 17x (Marksman) 3. Barte Lvl. 17x (Corsair) 4. 5. Egonic Lvl. 17x (Night Lord) 6. Blasphemous Lvl. 18x (Bishop) Melee Party 1. 2spooky Lvl. 16x (Hero) 2. MrBronkz Lvl. 18x (Hero) 3. KiciaF3 Lvl. 17x (Arch Mage I/L) 4. Mikasa Lvl. 19x (Hero) 5. 6. Purge Lvl. 16x (Bishop) Extra: 1. magiciiii 17x (Bishop) Trying to find another nl and one more melee wouldnt hurt.
I would like to join any upcoming runs. IGN: Sweep Job: Bowmaster Level: 162 I need a HTP, Egg and MW20.
Hi, @Sweep you will have to sign after we post the times so that we're sure that you can come at the moment there's no current runs.
You will not be considerd for any future runs since you're on community blacklist:"http://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-community-blacklist.19662/" and you've also harrassed me personaly on my bishop "Molly" when I didn't agree to sell you overall int 60% scrolls for underprice.
Man , I want to say something , 1st. I appealed on the blacklist and I've already apologized for that if I did anything to those who I accidentally ruded , to first of the two things , it just an accident so once I looted I apologized with Facebook to my friend , but the guy reported me didnt know that , so he just reported me . To the second of two things , I will pay @Egonics 80m for looted ur helm , sorry for I didnt follow ur rules . 2nd. I want to apologize to u sencerely , sorry that I did the silly things to u , I was a nob and with no mesos . But that was past , I learned it , and I promise will never do those silly things again , hope u can forgive me