Hi Admin/Staff, As I am sure you are aware, there is a technique to drop mesos fast for Chief Bandits in order to cast Meso Explosion effectively. Normally this is done with a mouse click, and holding down Ctrl + V to paste in the value of mesos. I recently tried AutoHotKey to map/bind 3 buttons on my keyboard to my mouse's left click (which I believe is fine/within rules, going by past forum threads, and through Marty's Shadower guide: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/in-depth-shadower-guide.8122/). While I managed to get the buttons working as a mouse left click, when I click on the meso icon in-game to open the meso drop box to paste in a value, the value stored on my clipboard won't get pasted into the box (and I am holding Ctrl + V down during this). If I use the normal method of using my mouse to do the clicks, everything works as normal. Is this a feature that has been purposely implemented into the New Source code? If it is a bug, then this essentially renders this dropping method useless, making it extremely hard to drop mesos at a fast, and consistent rate. Thanks.
If you say that it works when doing it normally then it sounds to me that the macro just isn't working or set up correctly? That's presuming when you were doing it the normal way you were trying to drop at the same speed. I know there is definitely a speed cap though of how fast you can send the meso drop requests if that is what you mean. Nothing in the source/client can detect if you are using a macro instead of doing it normally.
Hi Matt, The macro is setup correctly, as when I press the keyboard button which is mapped to my mouse's left click, it will perform the action. Basically what is happening is this: Whilst in Dark Sight, I click the Meso icon to bring up the Meso value box (whilst holding Ctrl + V). The Meso value box appears (I clicked the Meso icon with my binded key). While the Meso value box has opened up, my clipboard value is not pasted in, and the value inside the box stays at the default '10 Mesos'. If I do it the normal way, the value of '10 Mesos' is always replaced with my clipboard value. For some reason, when I open the Meso value box using my binded key(s), it stops the default Meso value from being replaced. The only way I can replace it, is to take my finger off the 'V' key, and press it again. Doing this makes this method much slower than the 'standard' way. Hope that makes sense!
normally when using mouse clicks you can hold ctrl +v and it auto pastes in the amount box. when i use the mouse keys method i am unable to hold ctrl +v to make it appear in the amount box automaticly. while using mouse keys i you have to hold down ctrl and alternate press between v and the + sign on the numpad ( my rleftclick button while using mouse keys ) to drop the mesos.
i know this post is ancient but was a fix ever found for this? i'm specifically talking about mouse keys not working with ctrl+v
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