first hello to everyone playing this server~ the reason why I make this post is that I decided to create a new character and I'm undecided which to choose one. I would like to tell me your opinion on which is best for you and why? Serious really helpful for me. I expect a prompt response,Thanks~
There isn't much to say other than both of the class as I feel it, are considered great with DrK's Hyper Body + Monster Magnet (e.g removal of Zakum's DEF buff) and Bucc's Speed Infusion (e.g faster runs in both Zakum and Horntail). What you feel like playing is totally up to you. Do not let other say what you should play or not. Your gameplay, your own rules~ Sairs4lyfe in your perspective.
Wow I was actually about to write this arie, But yah, unless you want to be severely handicapped in DPS, don't make a Buccaneer.
Whatever you find more fun. If you want to have a party buff and decent DPS, then DK. If you want SI, Bucc.
The biggest thing is I don't know what their dps is. If you put it like that then no class is needed except Nl's/corsairs, I would stick with what is fun before anything with higher damage. I would never pick a class based on damage it would make it very boring to play.
In my opinion, I'd go with Buccaneer. They have much more utility than a Dark Knight for other purposes than bossing in the form of Speed Infusion. Speed Infusion works for all classes and can really help you jump start training on your future main DPS amount. Sure, Buccaneers don't do as much as other classes, but I think that along with your regular skill sets and Speed Infusion buff that your adding more value to your party DPS that on some situations, you do provide more DPS externally and internally.
After all i would say forget Dps\Buffs und test what class is more fun to you. Having a dps\buff machine you dont enjoy ends in quitting it.
Speed Infusion provides essentially nothing to Night Lords and Bowmasters, just sayin'. Even still, the Buccaneer population on this server's atrocious, and I need more people to feed my DPS... so Buccaneer please.
No, it doesn't, but it helps a bit during the early levels of training during the first to early fourth job when it does work.
They don't, but if you use it during a Rouge's first job, you can essentially give the fastest rate of leeching during the low levels at Bubblings/Wild Boars/Teddies thanks to Garnier Normal Speed not being much of a factor. You'd have to kill yourself to maintain a low percentage, but it speed up training by a decent amount.
minus NLs. And Bowmasters. And crossbowmen using a maple weapon. And Sairs using rapid fire. And heroes using a red katana. And shadowers.
It does. I just woke up on my last post, please disregard. Nishada is the same speed as a stonetooth so it has an effect, just less than on an xbowman using a dragon cross (or other normal speed weapon) the same as stonetooth vs. Claymore for heroes.