Hii to all royalers im Carlos i have quit the server for a long time and im thinking about to come back, in best time of the year the christmas I have some questions i never be understand about it and i would know if someone can help me. I wanna get back and i would get one of my favorites job of all times the thief more specifically the path of a shadower, but there are the issues the HP wash i never be understand about it, ye i know i was reguistred in forum in 2014 prob i start pplaying in 2013 but i never get it xD 10 years and idk how to do sometime i think im a little be stupid xD of couyrse in terms of maths. So there is my questions: I have like +100int whit equipment so: What base i should put on my future shadower main? until what lvl i should have my int base the method its when i reach the level for start washing and restart my int to luk, its simple to take 1 point on MP and Add to HP? I should dont use the 5 ap points of all levels? i remmember something of fresh ap gets more hp (im not sure about this, its a long time) i dont wanna be the perfect shad whit 30k hp, i wanna enjoy again the server and the people, and of course i wanna be a conffortable shad who can go to all boss. Thanks a lot for reading, and i love who can reply me. have a good day and happy royals, sorry for my english and the long text
Hp-washing is optional now. There are many viable sources to gain HP. If you dont want to wash, dont do it. I believe you need 19k hp to comfortably live any content. For shads that means 9.5k due to Meso Guard. My Ironman NL with 4 base INT and 0 wash at level 150 has 8.5k hp, with barely any effort put into it. For thiefs Id recommend between 150-250 base INT. You'd need some mp-washing to reach higher hp values. There is quite some RNG involved so what someone exactly needs can differ by a lot. Look up some guides or read up on the many "need hp-washing" help posts made before. The tl;dr for what level to wash out all INT is: Do I want to play this char? Yes -> wash out all INT No -> leech some more levels Some levels to consider starting to play your char: Ellin+Papu = ~120 Zakum/Krex = 135 Horntail = 155 (i think) Rose Garden = 170 Wb and glhf grinding
Shad easiest and fastes 3rd job till 120 or even 135 because of meso explotion skill. can solo headless horseman and bigfoot bosses (even krex) from 70+ and bombing skill does not affected by your stats, like if you wanna wash with 250 base int, your damage wont hurt.
oh thanks a lot for reading and helping me *.* also for the wb´s thats the community i remmember in my times about it... i dont think i gonna need like 150-250 base int thats broke all my ideas, so i think i gonna need a time for think agaion, because i know the most job i gonna enhoy its shad, but i dont wanna take that path because i can affort the leech to 155 i have a i/l whit 1hit pretis but i dont wanna it. because when i get my lvl goal like 155 i gonna be solo again and i wanna enjoy the server and make a new friends. thanks a lot for helpo again and i hope all of you have a good christmas vacations. hope to see all soon...
Less than 150 INT is not enough to be worth the 6b on leech. You are better of not washing at all. Just play the game instead! What are you doing if you are not having fun when playing a game?
Yep thats the point i think i dont gonna enjoy again the server. thanks a lot for help and opened my eyes. have a good xmas