Hi, this has been going on since the Halloween event ended. I leech 2 of my chars (been doing it for a while) and one of the char DCs every 2-3 minutes. I tried reinstalling and all the regular stuff. really unplayable rn
I have this exact problem, I was leeching my bucc during the Halloween event with no problem. After event ended and new patch was released, one of the clients keeps DC. Even after re installing.
same problem for me, i was thinking its new patch or files, tried solo/duo att krex with 4 clients working and always got random char to dc many times, i even couldnt get all 4 same map. guess 2-3 clients fine but 4 prorbaly dc.
same problem , what to doooooo? considering leaving royales until its fixed cus its really unplayable
can't remember the exact phrasing but it was an ingame error in the login screen, so not much information (something like 'you have been disconnected from the server') i'll screenshot the next time it happens
That sounds more like weak wifi connection issue, have you tried to use other connection such as hotspot and see if it happens again? Also may i know which. character & job you were using before being kicked out to login screen?
I am using a BS to leech a Sniper and a Hermit. It also happens sometimes on my Paladin. I doubt the problem is with my wifi since 1. I am not the only one it happens to, as you cansee by the comments and 2. These are VERY frequent and did nor happen unril the thanksgiving patch (and i also used the same amounr and same characters beforehand, with no dcs at all)