When there is downtime, there is nothing better than reliving childhood moments, not only MapleRoyals gives us nostalgia, but another classic of classics, first win, uwu
There are more than 1000, haha difficult, although your name says it Magikarp when it evolves is an unstoppable water dragon, ulta OP maybe the most basic but very powerful pokemon! hyyyyyyyyyydroooooooooopuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!!!!!!!!!
To be honest, besides Maple the only other game that I play is Pokemon. I recently finished the DLC for Pokemon Scarlet!
Was meant as a joke attempt based off your name/picture. For a serious guess, I will try... Totodile. Very confident you can easily guess my favorite.
I just started a Fire Red randomizer, plan to replay the first few gens this way. My team right now is: Lv21 (starter) Lv21 (bought from salesman for 500P and painfully swap-levelled) Lv21 (caught at rt22) Lv18 (caught in Viridian Forest) Lv14 (caught in mt. moon)
Not just any blue bird, a blue ice bird! (I like the blue Harp maple monster too it's very cute). Articuno is strong contender for my favorite gen 1, along with Sandslash and Jolteon. Love tons of Gen 2-9 pokemon as well, the list is too long.
I wanted to start nuzlocking for fun, this thread might be my sign to start and post little updates. (Planning on starting with Fire Red as my first nuzlocke game)
It happened to me once and I thought it was a mistake, haha I was scared too because I hadn't saved the game xD