For a while now my NX amount has remained stagnant at 4,773,950 NX. Even tho I'm voting almost every night, it won't go up. Why is this? Could someone please help? Thanks
Are you voting by following ALL of the following steps? - Go to Royals vote page - Log in to Royals vote page if needed. - Click the vote button to get sent to Gtop100 - Click the Vote button on Gtop100 - Solve and submit the captcha - Wait until you see the thank you for voting text on gtop and/or getting redirected to the list of servers
yea thats what i always do. i have not been doing anything different. it just stopped giving me the NX for some reason
Are you voting on the right account? After voting, wait a few minutes and check the royals vote page again - what does it say?
yes, im voting on the right account. it shows my username on the mapleroyals page, then i click vote, and even on the mapleroyals gameitself- when i log in, its the same account
So when you attempt to vote, have gtop100 accept your vote, wait a few minutes, and refresh the royals voting page, what does it say? Does it give an option to vote again or does it say you've already voted today?
Alright, so your vote is going through. Does the information panel on the side reflect the nx gained by voting? Make sure to look at it before voting, and after voting when you get the "You have already voted today" message.
thats the thing, i do look on the info on the side of the site for my account, and even after voting, the information (like how much NX i have) - its remaining stagnant. its not changing even after i vote. i even checked in game today, its remaining stagnant even when i checked in-game in the cash shop
Interesting, you'll probably need to put you character name here for admins to investigate. @Dave Deviluke can you forward this to admins, unless you have any other idea on what it could be? If royals site is registering the vote but not adding nx it seems like it's not a gtop issue but something with the Royals side
thank you for forwarding this to the admins! i really appreciate it. hopefully it can get solved soon. My character names are: ToxicDropp, SeekNDestroy, NightStarx3, Starlightx3, and HunterStar
Oh I can't do that, it's up to Dave. I've just seen a lot of voting issues due to people voting directly with gtop100 bypassing royals or using the wrong account
yes i always complete the captcha successfully. the vote always goes thru. its just not increasing the NX on my account anymore for some reason
i just voted before reset and got my nx... if you are using mobile sometimes you will not receive nx when you vote...