HP Washing for Dummies

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Sylafia, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Do I need to Wash?
    3. Terminology
    4. Basics
    5. MP Washing
    6. Thief Washing
    7. SP Reset Weirdness
    8. TL; DR
    9. FAQs

    What is Washing/Introduction
    Washing is a method of getting additional MaxHP in Royals (and many other oldschool servers) witout losing damage, based on adding AP to int, using that to generate MP, and turning MP into HP. It's done since many bosses deal very high damage, which would leave some classes entirely unable to survive naturally. However, it tends to be expensive and poorly understood, which can increase total washing costs and frustrate or confuse players.

    The goal of this guide is to explain the basic concepts behind washing - very little of the actual numbers will be included here, but instead the mechanics behind how it all works are explained. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer to the best of my ability. However, just asking "how do I wash to X HP" or "is my character ruined" questions will be ignored - read the guide and decide for yourself.

    Do I Need to Wash? (featuring alternative methods and HP goals)
    Generally, washing is not strictly required. The only class that would be forced to wash is Bishop (and other mages, although they're generally not invited to high level bosses so it doesn't matter as much), although other classes may choose to wash to skip the grind. I personally tend to do a mix of washing and questing for my HP, but the exact balance is all up to personal preference.

    Zanck's Bossing Guide is a useful resource that'll tell you the max damage each boss does, among other things. You can use this as a reference to determine an HP goal - the total HP you want to have at a given level, in order to do all the bosses you want. If you'd rather skip reading the lengthy guide and making decisions without even knowing what bosses you might do, here's my recommendations, going from easiest to hardest:
    • 10k HP by level 155 - Enough to run Horntail
    • 12k HP by level 145 - Enough to run Shao, which is a high-exp daily boss. (Note - if it's your first character, you likely will not be geared enough to run Shao at lv 145. Shao takes a high DPS check)
    • 17.5k HP by level 175 - Enough to run Auf Haven and Von Leon
    There's a few caveats to HP goals:
    • Bishops (and other mages) need less due to Magic Guard. I recommend 5-10k HP on bishops if you want to run Horntail or Von Leon, and however much MP you'd like.
    • Shadowers need less due to Meso Guard. However, extra HP is always useful as shadowers are often chosen as the "seduce" target for Horntail. I won't get into details here except they may take extra damage if so.
    • Dark Knights want 30k HP for their Berserk skill, which gives extra damage. They get Hyper Body, which increases HP by 60%, meaning they only need 18,750 without Hyper Body, although more may be helpful to not need to recast HB.
    • Paladins and Heroes can go slightly lower - Power Guard and Achilles are skills they have to reduce damage taken. However, they have such high natural HP that it really doesn't matter - you'll have enough
    An HP goal is achieved by a combination of three things:
    • Your natural HP at that level
    • Your HP gained from washing
    • Your HP gained from equips + quests
    Natural HP tends to be in the range of 5k (ranged) - 10-12k (melee) by lv 145. However, don't worry about this too much - the washing calculator will know what it is. HP gained from washing is, well, however much more HP you need to hit your washing goal. Use the calculator and put in however much you want to wash to, and it'll calculate that. HP gained from equips and quests is somewhat self-explanatory. See Dave's post for all the sources. This can reasonably give almost 4000 extra HP, along with an additional 1k HP/month!

    Generally, I wouldn't recommend washing your first character, as it tends to be expensive and your mesos would be better spent elsewhere.

    This may not be universal, but this is what things mean in my guide at least. I'll try to italicize any specific terminology I use throughout the guide
    • Fresh AP: An unspent Ability Point, gained from leveling up or job advancing.
    • Washing: Either the entire process of washing described in this guide, or HP washing
    • HP Washing: The process of turning excess mana into health
    • MP Washing: The process of turning fresh AP into excess mana
    • Double Washing: See MP Washing. This is an old name for it
    • Infinite Washing: A method of gaining extra HP/MP even without having levels or fresh AP left. Only available on some classes
    • HP Goal: A combination of HP and level - your goal is to have at least that much HP at that level.
    • Washing Goal: The amount of your HP goal that will be covered by base HP and washing. This is what you'd input to the calculator. Calculate it by subtracting the HP you plan to gain from questing/gear from your HP goal
    The basic concepts behind washing all boil down to this: Nexon is bad at programming. Things might get weird, and you might wonder who ever thought that was a good idea. So, refer to the previous: Nexon is bad at programming.

    Oh, also before we begin, remember this: AP resets lie. The HP/MP they show you have is your true HP/MP (before gear/buffs), but any predicted changes they show tend to be wildly incorrect, so just ignore that and go by the values your stats actually change by.


    When you begin the game, you start with 4 points in each stat. It's impossible to go below 4 points in a stat - the game just won't let you AP reset out. But as soon as you add an AP to a stat, suddenly you can remove a point with an APR. And once you APR it down to 4 points, you can no longer remove. This system tends to be fairly intuitive for the 4 usual stats - Str, Dex, Int, and Luk. However, there's a 5th stat you can assign an AP to: HPMP. I call it that because no matter if you assign the AP to HP or to MP, it goes into the same stat pool, and can then be taken out of either HP or MP. This is the core of HP washing - conversion of extra MP into HP. It works like this:
    • Start with a point in HPMP
    • Since you have a point in HPMP, you can take a point out of HPMP with an AP reset. Taking it out of MP will remove the point from your HPMP stat, while reducing your MP
    • Add that point to HP, which increases your HP and adding the point back to your HPMP stat.
    • And now you end with a point in HPMP, except you have higher HP and lower MP. This means you can go and repeat this process as much as you want, cycling the same AP out of MP and into HP over and over
    This strange combined pool, where putting a point into HP allows you to take the same exact point out of MP, is what makes washing possible.

    Note that there's also something called minimum MP - an MP value that if you're below it, you can't take a point out of MP, even if you have AP in the HPMP stat. There's calculators to find it, but you can also tell that you've hit minimum MP if you have a point in HPMP and using an AP reset - if it doesn't allow you to take out of MP, but allows you to take out of HP, you've hit minimum MP.

    Different classes have different washing costs partially because of different natural HP, but also because there's different MP -> HP exchange rates. Warriors get very favorable rates, while ranged classes... ouch. And mages get the worst of all.

    The only issue left is: how do we get enough MP? After all, to gain thousands of HP from washing, surely that'll take thousands of MP, and who has that to spare?

    MAGES! Mages have all the MP in the world, and it's not just due to their class. It's due to all the int they add. The more int you have, the more MP you gain on leveling up. It's that simple. And yes, all sources of int count for this - base int, int from MW, and int from gear. It's total int that matters here, which is why some leech buyers are picky about needing MW20 (spoilers: it's really not that big of a deal, worth <10m/hr if you actually math it out).

    All one needs to do is add tons of base int, wear int gear, and level with the MW20 buff (if possible), and you'll have plenty of extra MP to turn into HP. Every 10 int (rounded down, so 50 int is the same as 55 int) gives you an extra MP each level.

    This is actually where a significant portion of the cost comes from - some people add 300+ base int, and since it's nice to have damage eventually, non-mages will eventually need to turn all of that int back into their mainstat, at the cost of 1 AP Reset for every int they added.

    MP Washing ("Double" washing)
    This is a step of washing that's actually entirely skippable. You can wash to pretty much whatever you want without doing it. This really is just a way to lower costs, by spending 1 AP reset (and using 1 fresh AP) to save more than 1, by allowing you to add less base int and still get the MP you need.

    Here's what an MP wash is:
    • Add 1 fresh AP to MP
    • Use an AP reset to remove that AP from MP, and add it somewhere else (probably your mainstat, but it's really up to you)
    ... that's it. And if you're thinking "wouldn't removing it just undo adding it in the first place, resulting in nothing happening?" then you clearly haven't internalized my main point last section: Nexon is bad at programming. And it turns out that adding fresh AP is different than adding with AP resets is different than removing with AP resets. Three different actions, three different formulas. MP washing is just exploiting the difference between the formula for adding fresh AP and the formula for removing AP, which happens to be approximately base int/10 (rounded down) MP per MP wash. So the more base int you have, the more MP you profit! Note that this only looks at base int - it ignores gear and Maple Warrior.

    This allows you to reduce costs because at some point, you have so much base int that a single MP wash will net you huge amounts of MP, which otherwise would take adding more than 1 additional int to gain. But again, if you really don't care about wasting some meso, feel free to skip this step.

    Exactly how much base int to use and how much to MP wash is a personal choice based off your HP Goal and total int gear. I recommend using the washing calculator to determine it.

    Thief Weirdness
    Thieves wash differently than other classes. Remember last section where I said that there's 3 different formulas for HP (and MP) changes? Well, there's 2 ways to add HP: fresh AP, or through a reset. And it turns out for thieves, adding fresh AP to HP gives you more HP than using a reset. All other classes gain more (or equal) HP through using a reset, so make sure to not trust thieves telling you to add all your AP directly to HP on your bishop!

    So for thieves, instead of recycling the same AP by repeatedly removing from MP and adding to HP, they instead add a fresh AP to HP, and remove it from MP while adding to luk (or whatever, feel free to add to whatever you want). They can still wash normally like everyone else, it's just a bit less efficient, and usually you have plenty of fresh AP to use for this.

    SP Reset Weirdness
    Please see my Washing for Mages thread, infinite washing section. This also applies to warriors and buccaneers with their Improved MaxHP increase skill, although they really shouldn't need it with high natural HP and the existence of HP quests. The basic gist is that improved MaxHP/MP increase applies to reset ap, both adding and removing. This lets you SP reset the skill to 0 when removing, and to 10 when adding to create a difference in the HP or MP gained and lost.

    Head hurt from all the text? Here's a summary of HP washing condensed into 3 sentences, although you might be missing important mechanics that could save you meso: Add int to get big MP. Turn big MP into big HP with lots of AP resets. Use more AP resets to turn int into useful stat

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024
  2. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Ask and ye shall receive

    Short answer: that depends, and no.

    Since washing takes generating MP, and you generate MP each time you level up with int, the later you add your int, the more expensive your washing will be, as you'll have to add more int to get equivalent MP. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible - if you're okay with a slightly increased cost, then by all means go for it. Use the washing calculator to know how much more you're paying, and don't forget that if you have untradable items, you'll need to remake them if you delete and create a new character.

    As for remaking, even if you decide it's too late to wash, you can always HP quest for what you need. That's 3-4k HP pretty quickly, and another 1k/month if you run Reuel's quest daily.

    As long as you have all your base int, nope. The MP gained will be the same whenever you do it, and if you want you can remove the AP from MP immediately or save it up and remove it in bulk later. Choose what you find most convenient.

    Adding ALL of your AP into HP, and leaving it there. Note that you have to be level 30 to add to HP, so just get your job requirement and wait until 30.

    You won't. Bloodwashing is cheap (no APRs needed for enough HP to run all content), at the cost of no damage. It can be good for making mules, such as SE which tend to be expensive to wash. I wouldn't recommend if you think you'll ever want to play that class in the future though.

    Please reread the guide - this is covered in the basics section, paragraph 2.

    If using an APR shows an orange arrow for -HP, but a gray arrow for -MP, then you've hit your minimum MP, and will need to gain MP in order to remove any AP from MP. Level up with int, MP wash, or use RG MP pots.

    If using an APR shows a gray arrow for -HP AND for -MP, then you don't have any AP in your HPMP pool. You'll need to add one.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  3. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    A conversation about washing:

    UwU person— Yesterday at 8:53 PM

    I think I understand the guide

    [8:54 PM]
    So Fresh AP-->MP = Bonus MP from INT Reset to HP for HP Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage


    Sylafia — Yesterday at 8:57 PM

    Question: what is HPMP?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 8:59 PM
    it's an AP stat, like the 4 main stats, but shared between HP and MP?

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 8:59 PM
    Alright, good

    [9:00 PM]

    Question 2:
    So Fresh AP-->MP = Bonus MP from INT Reset to HP for HP Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage
    why do you have to add fresh AP to MP?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:00 PM
    Because it'll give you Bonus MP based on your Base Int

    Sylafia— Yesterday at 9:01 PM

    [9:01 PM]
    Question 3:

    Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage
    Why primary stat? Is there anywhere else you might want to put it?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:01 PM
    Well... you'd reset it to HP first, right

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:02 PM

    So Fresh AP-->MP = Bonus MP from INT Reset to HP for HP Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage
    I'm reading in the context of what you wrote, so yes

    [9:02 PM]
    What's happening here is you're making an extremely common mistake I see, so I'm trying to see where it's coming from, and how I can fix it


    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:07 PM

    So going to ask again: Question 3:

    Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage (in the context of your initial post)
    Why primary stat? Is there anywhere else you might want to put it?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:07 PM
    So we would put it into HP to increase HP

    [9:07 PM]
    I think

    Sylafia— Yesterday at 9:08 PM
    So you're saying:

    [9:08 PM]

    So Fresh AP-->MP = Bonus MP from INT Reset to HP for HP Reset to HP for HP Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage why do you have to add fresh AP to MP?
    [9:08 PM]

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:08 PM
    That's the process as I see it atm yes

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:09 PM

    Going to ask this again: Question 3:

    Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage (in the context of my previous post)
    Why primary stat? Is there anywhere else you might want to put it?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:10 PM

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:11 PM
    Well, what are all the options for where you could put it?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:12 PM
    Well if it isn't to the primary stat then the only other options would be... HP or Int

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:12 PM
    or secondary stat, technically. But tbh that's pretty much the same as primary (a useful stat for damage, as long as gear requires it)

    UwU person

    Well if it isn't to the primary stat then the only other options would be... HP or Int

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:13 PM
    Yep. Would int be a good choice? What about HP?
    [9:14 PM]
    Or alternatively, what situation would you add it to int? And what situation would you add it to HP?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:15 PM
    I suppose adding it to int would give us more MP in the following levels, so we would do that during the MP washing phase... maybe

    [9:15 PM]
    And we would add to HP during the HP Washing phase?

    UwU person

    I suppose adding it to int would give us more MP in the following levels, so we would do that during the MP washing phase... maybe

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:18 PM
    ...maybe is very much the right thing to think here - adding to int in this situation usually isn't a great idea (unless int IS your mainstat ofc), as MP washing is most efficient with max int, so why not wait until max int to MP wash? The only case you'd add to int is if you have EXTREMELY aggressive goals (like low lv 30k hp 30k mp) and you just need to MP wash that early that you don't have time to wait.

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:19 PM
    So if we did this (quoting their prev answer of adding to hp), we would do:

    So Fresh AP-->MP = Bonus MP from INT
    Reset to HP for HP
    Reset to HP for HP
    Reset to HP for HP
    Then, take it back out of MP and put it in your primary stat so you don't lose damage
    why do you have to add fresh AP to MP?

    [9:19 PM]

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:20 PM
    Yes I think so, except we'd only have the 1 reset to HP instead of 3 lines of it

    UwU person

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:20 PM

    Final question: why only once? should it be 1 time, or 3, or some other number?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:21 PM
    Hmm... let me check again

    [9:24 PM]
    I see... so we can keep doing it until we hit minimum MP?

    [9:24 PM]
    with the 1 AP

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:25 PM


    UwU person— Yesterday at 9:25 PM

    [9:25 PM]

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:25 PM
    That's the heart of the issue

    [9:26 PM]
    what I see a lot of people do is:

    Level up
    Add fresh AP to MP
    -mp +hp
    (repeat with rest of resh ap)

    and then wonder why they're barely gaining any HP for all the APRs they're using

    [9:27 PM]
    Which is exactly what you thought at first - what's missing is the fact that you can repeat the -mp +hp step as much as you want

    UwU person— Yesterday at 9:27 PM
    That makes so much more sense

    [9:27 PM]
    So we don't even have to touch our main stat until we're done with the HP Washing phase if we don't want to

    [9:27 PM]
    We just keep going -MP +HP until we can't

    [9:28 PM]
    and that process is called the HP Washing?

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:28 PM

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:28 PM

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:28 PM
    Ready for extra credit?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:28 PM
    yes ma'am

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:28 PM
    You say the HP Washing phase...

    [9:28 PM]
    what's wrong with that statement?

    UwU person — Yesterday at 9:29 PM
    As we level up, our Minimum MP increases...

    [9:29 PM]
    So we'll be able to do more HP Washing at higher levels...

    [9:30 PM]
    Therefore it's not really a phase but you can do it whenever you have MP above minimum?

    Sylafia — Yesterday at 9:30 PM

    Yep! Or, if you do want to keep saying it's a phase, the issue is with the word the, as you can have as many hp washing phases as you want

    [9:31 PM]
    I tend to wash some out at lv 50 for zak, and then 120 for HT, and then whenever I reset my base int

    [9:31 PM]
    But ultimately, it's up to you to decide!

    UwU person— Yesterday at 9:31 PM

    [9:31 PM]
    Thank you sensei

    [9:32 PM]
    Feel free to put my dumbazz questions in FAQ if any of them are actually comprehensible

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
  4. SnowyAce

    SnowyAce Member

    Nov 17, 2023
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    Just a question, shouldn't it be removing it from MP while adding to other stats? Instead of remove it from HP?
    Sylafia likes this.
  5. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Fixed, thanks
    SnowyAce likes this.
  6. osheredri

    osheredri Member

    Oct 26, 2023
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    Hey ,
    I currently level 38 bucc,
    20 dex,
    almost 200 int base(soon)
    And 100 int gear.
    I’m planning on 20k hp.
    And I don’t want to do mp wash because it’s more expensive.
    So I want only to do -Mp +Hp
    And somewhere around level 130 reset the int Base.
    When (level) I can start using aprs and do -mp +hp so it will be most effective?
  7. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Please reread the section on mp washing

    Once you max MaxHP increase in I believe 2nd job, the rates of hp gained and mp lost are always the same.
  8. luuluu

    luuluu Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    How do I reverse my hp wash gains?
    Sylafia likes this.
  9. ShakedBaws

    ShakedBaws Donator

    Mar 4, 2023
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    thank you what a great guide.
    Sylafia likes this.
  10. Poesje

    Poesje Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Hi! I want to wash my bishop, i created it in 2015 so its unwashed, its level 191, recently i started to add fresh ap into mp.
    It has 22500 mp right now.

    How does mage washing work exactly? Never done it before
  11. itu

    itu Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    ice valley 2
    You want to mp wash with all your remaining AP as you're doing, and when you're ready you also want to remove your Improving Max MP skill before you convert all your desired MP to HP.

    Some info here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/bishops-guide-2022-horntail-guide.125406/ the last posts are relevant to your case
    Sylafia and Poesje like this.

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