IGN: Exculslash Problem: i bought 50 aprs last week and they were bugged. it dc me when i used them. so i left them in my inventory till today. Details: i thought it might be fixed if i put into cs and retrieve them but they disappeared when i re-enter cash shop The timestamp is around Dec 6th ST 21:51 as per SS. It should be at channel 11 when it happened. Next, i closed the client and re-launch but still no aprs in the CS i did not record the interaction as i did not expect the 50 aprs to just disappear.
Will be forwarding the issue to the Admins for a refund request Before I do so, could you confirm again if the total number of APRs disappeared is exactly 50? (Did any other APRs disappear during this period?)
Yes, the total number of APRs that disappeared is exactly 50 I have not touched or played this char since then. I have not purchased anything with nx except gaining 18000 nx from dinner quest when i entered cs i am quite sure i bought exactly 50 aprs with my shad account as i intend to wash some luk and hp. Before this purchase, i should have 0 aprs in my inventory (not 100% sure on this) not sure if there's cs transaction or nx log for characters but i have added some info below in spoiler as well Spoiler: some extra info 23th dec : current nx 924,750 21-22nd dec : nx 906,750 (with 18000 nx card in inventory) 6th dec : 50 apr disappeared 5th dec or earlier : should have 1,061,750 nx (estimated before buying 50 aprs)
Any updates? I am trying to not play this character so that it would be easier for admin to verify my claims. I want to play back my shad asap thou