for this trade here - only selling until I have enough to complete the trade above - gear prices are valued based on my priority to let them go - cs/ws @ 500/480 - downgrades are accepted but the valuation has to be agreed on - auction ends latest by 24 hours after s/b if there is no higher offer, will sell immediately if I think price is acceptable - due diligence will be carried out for all these trades to verify your legitimacy, feel free to ask me questions too - buyers who decide to a/w will be given time to gather their assets (2-7 days depending on item value) 8/34 dkhanjar: s/b = 6.5b by @coffeethief @ ~0110 servertime 7th january a/w = 7.5b sold to @coffeethief 2/36 dkhanjar: s/b = 8.5b a/w = 9.5b 108att 17str kc: s/b = 5b a/w = 5.5b 24att scg (purple tagged): ** accepting these downgrades only s/b = 23att glove + 35b OR 22att glove + 47b by @usako123 @ ~0226 servertime 6th january a/w = 23att glove + 40b OR 22att glove + 52b sold to @usako123 17att scg: s/b 5b c/o = 5.1b by @H4xDefender @ ~0348 servertime 6th january a/w = 5.5b sold @ a/w in-game 19att bfc: s/b = 33b c/o = 34.5b by @Pwno @ ~1005 servertime 6th january a/w = 35b by @mangomoy 15att bfc (purple tagged): s/b = 10b by Sawed in-game @ ~0240 servertime 6th january a/w = 10.5b a/w'd by @Annect pending trade 11att fs: s/b = 7b c/o 7.7b by Boxerr @ ~1054 servertime 6th january a/w = 8b sold to @bzkoshi 119att kc: s/b = 24b by @taniJP @ ~2233 servertime 5th january a/w = 25b sold to @taniJP 91/19 rc: s/b = 25b by @P'Chob @ ~1919 servertime 5th january a/w = 26b sold to @P'Chob
updated c/o's! my sales target is hit for now but feel free to offer on the rest, will be selecting deals to commit according to my own priority list if it exceeds my target by too much hi the s/b is my lowest for it already!
hey just wanted to let you know that c/o is now 33.1b i realized this is probably not an ideal situation so i added a minimum bid increment to the higher price tags to avoid super long bids for all parties involved
I'll aw 15 bfc if u accept items for it 10 pgc = 2B , 11 bfc=2.9B ,1 WS = 480M, 1 Taru = 450M, + 720M + 4B coins IGN : Annect
i value them at: 10pgc = 1.8b 11bfc = 2.5b ws = 480m taru = 450m happy to take your offer if you are ok with the above valuation