Buying IGNs : A- Anime, Aqua B- Baby, Bake, Bath, Beef, Bish, BLew, BLow, BLue, Body, BowL, Bury, Bush, Busy C- Cafe, Cake, Chai, Chao, Chat, Chef, Chew, Chin, Chip, Choc, Choi, City, Claw, Clay, Coke, Copy, Cozy, Cosy, Crow, Cute, Cyan D- Dojo, Duck, Desk, Dunk, Dink, Dumb, Dump, Dusk E- Edgy, Each, Echo F- Fine, Fish, Five, FLow, Fury, Face, Fact, Fame, Farm, FiLm, Firm, Foam G- Geek H- Haku, HaLf, Have, High, Hold, HowL, Hush, Harm, Harp, Herb, Home, Hope J- Jeez, Just K- Kami, Kept, Kiss, Knew, Kind, King L- Leaf, Lick, Love, Luck, Lewd M- Make, Maki, Mana, Mask, MiLk, Mint O- Onyx P- Pika, Poet, Post, Puke S- Sexy, Show, Sick, Sign, Skip, Soda, Suck T- They, Time V- Very, View W- Wake, Wash, Wave,Weak, Wife, Wink, Wish ,Woah, Woke Y- Yawn, Yeah I'm paying with : COMMENT YOUR IGN YOU'RE SELLING, AND NAME A PRICE FOR IT.
Yep and I even have him on my buddy list. But sometime after he created the character, they made it impossible to use "Sexy" in your IGN. So he's the only one that can ever own that IGN. Try it for yourself if you don't believe me.
GM's themselves can swap our IGNs if that person decides to sell It to me, it's not 'impossible' to a certain degree. It's possible with GMs help. Aka Name change