The boss Manon is, as most people know, commonly hunted as it drops Manons Cry. This item is needed for making the Dragon Elixirs, which are required to enter Horntail. However certain people kill multiple Manons, despite already having Manons Cry due the NX reward. Generally this is frowned upon by the community.. but it doesn't stop them from doing it anyway. This is an issue because it may stop people from being able to get Manons Cry in time for their Horntail runs. I think the best solution to this problem would be to simply remove the NX reward from Manon, to discourage people from killing more Manons than they need.
Oh look, it's this thread again. I think this is an incredibly small fraction of the community, since manon only drops a small amount of NX. and because people are aware that doing so is rude. Most people hunting him are doing it for skillbooks or to stockpile cries. Further, even if people particularly want to hunt manon for the NX, who are you to say that what they're doing is wrong? Sure it's rude and inconvenient to you, but let them have their game play experience. The quest for transformation elixirs is repeatable every two hours, and there is no limit to the number of them you can have in your inventory. There is no excuse besides being too lazy to gather the items for anyone to be low on elixirs unless they aren't a regular HT runner and are just doing one run (for example to buy a pendant.) Even in that case, I've never had a problem a single time that I've gone to look for manons in finding one within an hour (and I currently have a stack of over 50 elixirs, and have owned as many as 80 at one point, so I do this fairly often.) Less than 100% uptime doesn't really mean that they're hard to find. I just don't see this as something that needs to be changed.
Exactly, you have many elixirs, you gave the good fortune to find the manon when looking for, but ever thought that in a HT run almost always has more than 6 people, and toas need the elixir, and only has 8 channels, 8 Manons then to an entire run. Another point is that this boss is not looking just for NX or elixir for HT, but also for missions and the skill Genesis. Stop and think, you have 50 elixirs, do not you think having all this just for you, it will not be missed for another? It makes sense rather take the NX drop this boss, yourself isse, is a very low amount, withdraw will only reinforce that will not kill Manons by NX, NX that will not be missed, much less MAR someone's experience in the game.
50 elixirs takes 10 manon kills, and if you HT twice a day every day will last you almost a month. In one month, the server will have spawned over 1,150 manons, meaning my stack of elixirs has taken up less than .9% of the manons available. That's hardly a problem.
So you think is right and just kill Manons by experience or NX? Manon think you have left for that? It will only understand when it happens to you
i dont think people kill manon just for the nx. in this case, i dont think people really kill bosses for the nx, its just a bonus. besides, its not even that large of an amount for it to really matter
And the point I want to say is that everyone tries, some arrive early and get it, some do not, and these topics come up, like it or not, there is a dispute, and not everyone will have.
This would be good, I don't think Manon should be a boss to hunt casually for drops, when I go hunt for a cry I go kill all Manons since he is easy and potential leaf It's not really hard finding Manon if you go hunt for a cry 5 min before a HT run start well then it might be tough, I rarely have a problem finding one so it's not a big problem.
I truly believe that if the NX drop of manon is removed, will considerably lower the demand and fight for this boss
The problem isn't for high level NLs who can kill a manon in 2 seconds but were too lazy to do so until just before a HT run. It's level 120 bishops that need Genesis. Most of them don't even know about needing a cry until they get 4th job and find out they need one to get Genesis. And they can't kill it even if they find one, so they have to beg friends/guild for help. It took me 3 days to find a manon when I was a level 120 priest, thank god I don't have to go through that again. Here you get 5 dragon elixirs for 1 manon cry (unlike GMS where you only get 1), and yet manon is still incredibly hard to find. Seriously, it's harder to find a manon here than in GMS in 2008. I'm sure it's due to people hunting manon for NX every time there's a server restart.
I've never had issues finding manons on the second (or later) wave of respawns. Instead of removing the NX drop, just make the cry a 100% drop rate. But what Jake (jmmainvi) says is correct too. We made it easier for people by giving 5 elixirs per manon cry. Stock up before you know you have to HT and youre fine. As for lvl 120 bishops who need gen? Have a friend help you kill it when they have a chance. Guarantee you can find it within a few tries. The spawn time is 4-6 hours, so it's not too hard to find. When you enter a map, do ~mapowner and see if the person who owns the map is still online. If they are, just ask when they last killed manon.
if there is a map owner they should've killed it within 3min? then there's no point in asking. As one of the most regualar horntail slayers on this server I know for a fact that this is a problem for alot of people that can't camp manons all day... also I know for a fact that there is alot of people just killing manon hoping to get a leaf(nx) I meet them all the time when I go get crys for my horntail runs, Hence i think this would be a verry good idea at the verry least removing the uncommon leaf drop might help alot even.
Definetely don't like the idea. I don't think that just because its a boss that drops an important item for HT and Genesis people shouldn't hunt it even just for fun or for nx. 5k leaf>manon's cry.
Map owner remains as long as no one else uses a skill in the map. If I went in and killed manon 4 hours ago and no one else used a skill in the map, their name will show as mapowner. So its easy to just ask that person if they found a manon, and if so how long ago. I do it all the time.
You should see me have a go at the bosses if the server restarted. (excluding Manons!) Anyway, I like the idea since I had to wait for 7 days to get the Manons cry for my bishop. Now this may seem like an egocentric thought because it happened to me, but I'm sure it's highly annoying for anyone that needs etc. items from Manon. On the other hand, it does add a bit of that nostalgia, right? Getting something from Manon was alot harder on EMS since there were so many players which made it alot worse than the current situation in this server. Some will say ''But this isn't EMS'', and you're completely right. But we do want the experience we had before which means keeping it this way adds up for that, I suppose. I vote... No. Keep it the way it is now.
In my opinion both arguments are justifiable. However, I think one point that hasn't been considered is that casual players (someone that can only play 1-3 hours a day), finding a manon can be incredibly hard and annoying since if they wanted to find a manon they would have to use most of their play time to camp a map. But at the same time, I think they understand that it's just part of the game and they just have to accept it )-: Also I don't think that it's right to consider that people don't hunt manons for nx, because it does happen.
The way Manon is now, I feel like it promotes people planning ahead rather than waiting until the last minute for everything. Like a poster said before; he collected 50 elixirs very easily, and I myself am one of those players too; I have 25 Elixirs at the moment on a character I've only been playing for maybe two weeks just by casually scanning Manon maps now and then. I have 40+ on another character as well, as well as all my 155+ characters having Elixirs, and the point I'm making is that I've never camped a Manon map once for them. I check when I can so that, when I do need them, I already have them rather than having to scramble last minute for a Cry. You say that it's unfair to the 120 Bishops that need to find one for Genesis? The quest for the Elixirs is first accessible at level 80, as far as I know, so any Priest could have Elixirs waiting in their inventory for when they hit 120. You say that many of them don't know they need one? Then they didn't plan ahead; they didn't look up what they'll need in future, so they're going into things unprepared. Should there be a potion shop in the Horntail map for players that didn't know how many potions they might need, too? I really do get the point that this thread is trying to make; no NX rewards from Manon makes it hunted less often and thus Manon would be more available to get Manon's Cry for Horntail/Genesis, but I really just don't think it's necessary. That's just my opinion as a fellow player who's got a Bishop, has HT'd on four different characters and has probably turned in the Dragon Elixir quest more than 80% of the server without ever camping a map or checking Manons more than once per day.