Regarding GM Applications

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Ekul, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Ekul

    Ekul Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I would like to suggest a few amends to the application template. I will be referring to the administrators through my use of "you." This is not meant to be rude or insulting of course, but rather feedback on the current template.

    1. Do not continuously add things to it without updating the public, or even bumping the thread. It seems every time I revisit the original thread about the template that there is something new. For example, if you check out the first two applications you will notice that they are missing a few questions.

    2. Professionalism is always key. I recommend rewording a few of the questions to get the exact answer you're looking for, rather than a broad one that may produce unnecessary results. Also, you should allow the users enough to be able to write about it. Some examples could be:
    • What is your favorite aspect of MapleRoyals?
    • What are your hobbies?

    3. Smoosh together some of those pesky questions. All of the questions of previous staff experience should be put together as:
    • Do you have any previous staff experience on private game servers? Explain which servers and your duties.

    You could also throw together the real MapleStory one:
    • Did you play official MapleStory? If so, what versions and which one?

    4. I personally do not like the questions regarding kids and family, and those should ultimately be put in the "other commitments" rather than having their own questions.


    Overall, I really do not like this application template. I believe it is very disorganized and is drawn out like crazy. This application leaves little room to explain on some important things, and it feels more like a survey than an application. From what I hear, this was just ripped off some other server anyway. I recommend remaking your own application template. I know you guys are busy, but this does not take that long to do.

    My recommendation for the new template:
    • Hit on the points you're interested in, ignore all things that would have no effect on them getting the position or not.
    • Some questions could be: Why do you want to be a GM on MapleRoyals? What is your previous staff experience? What can you contribute? What is your activity level?
    • Do not have questions that ask the same thing twice.
    • Try not to break up questions into 3 or 4 that are handling the same topic.
  2. Tobi

    Tobi Donator

    May 10, 2013
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    Rogue & Rice
    It has been edited once. But I would agree that any future alterations should be notified through a post in that thread saying "this and this was added/removed/changed", in case any more alterations are done.

    What's the difference between the first question here and "What do you like most about MapleRoyals?"

    The second one is a matter of semantics, I don't think anyone reads the singular 'hobby' as "you must name only one".

    I don't mind that they've chosen to use follow up questions rather than one question. I think the change suggested here with the removal of follow up questions in favour of one question would achieve the exact opposite of what you just recommended a few lines above.
    What better way to achieve this than to specify exactly what they are interested in knowing in terms of an applicant's former experience as staff member of a private server?

    That's two questions, or actually it's three but two of them are in the same sentence. Currently there are the same amount of questions plus the additional one regarding one's character name(s).

    Umm... in what way is the bolded question any different to "Why do you want to work with us?"

    I think the question about previous staff experience is somewhat redundant seeing as there already are questions as to whether or not you have been staff previously on a private server of any game.

    What questions ask the same thing twice? I didn't notice any.

    Why not break up questions? It facilitates specification which, hopefully, produces more accurate and relevant answers.
  3. Katsuruka

    Katsuruka Donator

    May 10, 2013
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    My main concern with the application form is that it asks you to put your email address. Seriously, NO, not on a public post. Email addresses can be harvested and abused.
  4. Faye

    Faye Donator

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Someone Else's House
    First of all, the application itself is a work in progress and we don't penalize anyone for not having answered questions that were not there when they filled out their application. When we sit down and go over the apps, we will contact the applicants for any additional information that they need.

    We like broad questions. You can PM me if you'd like to know why.

    Sometimes follow-up questions are posted separately for readability's sake. It helps to break up what potentially may be a wall of text .

    You don't have to answer the email question if it bothers you that much. It won't count against you, either. I'm pretty sure I never answered that question myself...

    Anyway, we haven't had time to sit down and seriously edit the application. All we did when we edited it was throw a couple more questions in there because people were filling out the applications so quickly. We wanted to get what we could from them in their original post.

    Like I said. We haven't had time to focus on the application format itself yet. I plan on doing that this weekend. If you'd like to rewrite it yourself in the meantime, you're more than welcome to PM to me what other edits you have in mind.

    Until then, hang in there. And thanks for your suggestions!
  5. Ekul

    Ekul Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I will be sure to do so. Tobi didn't exactly take some of my points as I was trying to convey them, so I won't bother replying to it all. I was basically trying to get the point out that it was a bit disorganized, and has potential to produce results you aren't looking for depending on the applicant's application skills.
  6. Katsuruka

    Katsuruka Donator

    May 10, 2013
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    It's not myself I'm concerned about, as I'm not applying for a GM position. What I'm suggesting is that this question is removed from the application form to protect those who are prepared to answer it.
  7. Ekul

    Ekul Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    This is what I did for my application. That is what I see the best route is if you are uninterested with throwing it around.
  8. Katsuruka

    Katsuruka Donator

    May 10, 2013
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    Obviously, this is a very sensible route, but the point I was making was about protecting those who are less cautious, more trusting and perhaps younger and less net-savvy by either removing the question or by not making the applications viewable to the public (eg making them viewable by staff only). The GMs can always ask for the email of suitable applicants via PM anyway.

    You can advise people to be cautious, but if a simple step can be taken to protect the community, then I think that's the better method.

    Hope I've clarified my point a bit!

    The reason why something like this matters to me is that before joining Maple Royals, I was one of a number of people trying to help protect the community of a particular Facebook game from regular phishing attempts, and yeah... you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, as the saying goes.

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