I don't like the 2x event suggestion because we got different timezones but I do like the card suggestion but it needs to cost alot more and give less exp.
That sounds great, to be honest. Solves a lot of problems. Once a month is a bit low for me, but it's a lot better than nothing.
It was kinda sad to see so many people are like 6x for 2 week then 1 2x event they all hit 7x. Like really? its 4x not that hard to lvl =\ Personally its already 4x I really don't see the point of 2x beside for rollbacks and stuff. HOWEVER 2x drop rate would be nice event.
To be honest, I joined this server instantly when I saw the rates. I did 1-50 within 12 hours, without knowning anything or anyone an yet managed to do a shitload of levels. I see no value in adding even easier ways to grind. Maple v62 with all the current perks on this private server already gives players a fairly easy boost to grind. Also, when cards are introduced, it's just a small step to "up the rate, for everyone to enjoy the game more" and from there on, it'll go downwards.
Taking into consideration that this server was entirely wiped in the beginning of this month with one of the main reasons for doing so was to improve longevity by lowering the rates I find it hard to believe that the exp rates would be increased permanently, ever.
I'm actually against anything to do with 2x exp in any form- be it NX cards, or an event- because I don't see the point. The 2x exp event wasn't (as some others have pointed out) an event, but rather compensation for the massive amounts of rollback that our server experienced. That's all. We're 4x exp for a reason, and I'll like to keep it that way. Otherwise people will just save up for exp cards, making it an 8x server essentially- which defeats the purpose of the wipe, like Tobi said. If the community is extraordinarily keen on an exp event I'd say we cap it at 1.5exp and make it an annual occurence- to celebrate Mapleroyals' anniversary or something..but that's as far as I would go ^^
There were a whole lot of likes thrown around on the first couple pages. =o Anyway, 2x exp is an interesting incentive, though not one that should be given regularly. I agree that it is best to save for times of trouble with the server, namely large downtimes. Although I did really like the idea of the higher drop rate that someone mentioned earlier. This would have to be used sparingly, and only during special events. Perhaps around Christmas time?