Edit: 1.5b Hi ! I have a level 63 cleric and I want to gear up. AP without equipment: 38 LUK 284 INT What should I buy? Should I try to use scrolls? I am attaching the equipment I currently have on me, all the other eqp not very good.. like 2 int Esther shield. Thanks all the helpers !!
This means: We suggested some cost effective items but don't look to spend more than maybe 200-300m right now on that. Buying leech so you can get to 120 faster is better since that allows you to level fast, sell leech and join content.
I probably will aim to get a Zakum/Targa helmet You may also plan your gears around a low LUK build such as these
What I mean is simple. Except for maybe 60m on a zhelm you don't really need any special items. Just focus on level up, get to 120+ and get genesis skill to start farm/level/sell leech etc.