Hello everyone, I'm hosting a blackjack tournament event at 5 AM 24th server time. The location will be at channel 4 Thieves' Hideout Kerning. It is completely free. The winner's prize is a chaos scroll (1 winner only). Reply here with your ign if you would like to apply and participate. (10 randomly chosen players max) *The forum account must be verified. (not a new forum account) *I don't think this event is against any rule since is a charity and non-profit. But if it is, please let me know. Rule: 1. Using the last digit of hitting mob to get the number. (I'll be the one hitting mobs) It is mostly the same as real-life blackjack. #0 = 10, #1 = 1/11 2. each round will eliminate the player who has the lowest number of cards. 3. players who boom (over 21) will automatically be eliminated.