Credits: Pyrope weapons are kindly donated by the following players - @Martin - @Geto Feel free to approach me if you wish to contribute as well Leave a comment here or contact me via Discord: davedeviluke if you want the Pyrope Weapon(s) Note: if possible, please also indicate your available time range in UTC (or available days) You may also find me at Royals Discord - As they are only obtainable in [Anniversary] event, please only take what you need and not for re-selling Also, another thread with way more Maple weapons
Hi there, I'd love to get a blue/rare maple pyrope wand if you still have one! Will be online later today if you are free
Hihi, If you have any Claw left i would like one. IGN: Gerwin96 Im back online in 2hours if your around.
Met whitefridge in-game (contacted via Discord DM) Probably need to arrange a timing with Gerwin96 + Friendly
Any chance for your best sword? One hand preferred but I don’t know if they are one or two handed. IGN Pallybro83 and I’ll be on in about 6 hours
Hi there! My ign is OoopsieeE I’m brand new to the game and am a lvl 25 mage right now but plan on lvling and become a bishop! I would love to grab any mage maple weapons that you would be willing to give because I don’t really have any mesos currently