Hello S> this beautiful and purple 19 att BFC for gamba funds s/b 32b a/w 35b C/O: 32b (18 BFC + topup by @FrozenUp ) 32.5B (17 BFC + top up) by @Drakothedit 33b (18 bfc + top up) by FrozenUp once again autowon pending final transaction thanks all who bid Selling on 3/3/2024 if no further bids! Reference: 2 most recent 19 capes sold here @32b+ each this last month (https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-19pgc-19bfc.226104/) prefer pure bcoins/CS/WS (Accepting @510m each as of this post, subject to change). <--- valid as of 3/2/2024 Accepting as well: Cape downgrades or 17-18 att shoes (I'll topup) 17 att shoe: I topup 4.5b 18 att shoe: I topup 12b 18 cape: 23.5b 17 cape: 17b 16 cape: 13.5b 15 cape: 9.5b 14 and lower: not accepting for now... but PM me if you got a good offer Bid ends 48h after s/b reached! Ty all
Hi, Thanks for the autowin. Please PM me due diligence and how you plan to topup/pay for it. After I confirm and things check out, we can get this trade done today/tonight. I'll be online. Thanks all who bid! Will close thread now unless things fall through.