I often rarely find myself leaving cc16. I see it as a home for me. where do y'all call home? And why?
channel 9 fm room 22 used to be my guild Tempest's headquarters back in 2015, so due to inertia I always log into channel 9 although I see it too crowded nowadays.
Eversince I was 10 back in gms, ch13 was it for me, ch17 comes close, but instictively I always choose 13, to answer why, I'd have to ask my younger self, as my memory is not that great anymore T.T My only guess is it's because these channels are to the left when you open the channels menu to log in. As to fm I always felt attached to fm 18, I like the chillness of the snow and the calm music.
I used to love channel 19, but a family of bears moved into the FM one day and now I'm afraid to go there...
Ch7, always straight into this channel as I log in. Not saying the other channels are bad. But you just have to know there can only be one lucky seven!