In Discussion Class/Skill [Feedback Request] Skill Changes and Balancing

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by nut, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    i agree, this rules. but with all the progress the server has made for natural HP growth, i don't see this being the direction. it's also the opposite of what many heroes want.
    lowering def/m.def is an indirect damage buff (for melee and mages). indirect buffs (that also aid the party), IMO, are the best way to improve and balance classes. i don't really think heroes are imbalanced in their damage. they're imbalanced in their utility. they are very easy to play, but offer no party buffs. they're the opposite of sairs, they just do damage but there's no higher level gameplay to earn the dpm, and they are safe. this doesn't mean heroes need a party buff, but they have an entire skill that can be repurposed to better benefit themselves and parties (since the att pot meta is going nowhere, and only distending)

    personally i love the shieldbreaker aspect, lowering w/m def, and cancelling reflect. i think the heal cancel is a better overall skill though. especially if boss heal rates are improved in some instances or windows. boss healing is essentially the same as a weapon cancel instance, but cancel is fairly trivialized with the ubiquity and ease of CR now. meaning, cancel is an inventory/time burn tactic. you can't deal damage, and you continue to take damage. boss heal is essentially the same, and it can be easily tweaked to make it equally problematic as cancels in terms of how it "stalls" players.

    i don't think this would divide the utility of pally v hero, since bosses already cancel and heal, and if you don't have a party composition that can CR, you simply deal with it. and we already simply deal with heal.

    anyway, heal block is a great indirect buff.

    shieldbreaker would be a great all party damage boost. if you want to get technical, you should:
    • be the same level or above a monster to shieldbreak [or near same level]
    • have the accuracy to hit the monster to proc the -def effect and DR crash
    • the amount of w/m def lowered is based on your STR+DEX (scales)
    • drain orbs to keep the player and effect active. max level drains orbs slower
    • requiring x amount of ACA orbs
    these contribute to healthy, non-exploitable active play for the benefits

    same with a heal block skill, it should:
    • require to be same level or above as a boss/mob [or near same level]
    • require the accuracy to hit the mob to proc the effects
    • drains combo orbs slowly to maintain effect. max level drains orbs slower
    • amount blocked/diminished based off STR+DEX (scales)
    • "scarring rage" or some kinda name like that.
    these are intelligent, healthy measures. they scale and more focused players get better results out of them.
    heroes also getting panic to inflict darkness, or making enrage a blinding strike type attack is also great, even if marksmen also get this. MM are still fairly unpopular even with LHC. another class that can do this, perhaps to a less effective degree than MM, -10% acc, is great, and indirectly heroic. misses are the same as stance, so it gives stance to the whole party. great dpm buff for parties w/o thieves or MM.

    again also proposing the "heroics" ideas:
    • at the cost of x orb(s), gives a party member a stance effect when struck by an attack. [this can save a lot of time with platform boss fights, repositioning time/streamline. highly benefits all range characters
    • can increase STR+DEX, maybe speed, passively for a good class buff
    • everyone benefits, including the player. simple
    another new fun one that would give hero's a great active role "spell volley/home run/broadside/cannon cleave"
    • with well timed attacks, can return certain spells and projectiles and falling objects for heavy damage.
    • basically "cancels" projectile attacks, returns them with high crit damage at cost of x orb(s)
    • helps actively protect members while dealing damage
    • this sounds complicated but it's just telling the game "projectile damage = zero, remove projectile graphic in the hitbox of this attack, target=bossflagged mobs", and then you can add the guardian shield "block" gfx, maybe reskin it, and reskin some attack gfx when it hits the boss. then you add an attack% and/or a damage formula that factors your level, the monster's level, your str/dex/acc (higher acc/better dmg) and then take the final attack spin animation and add some reskinned attack animation and a hitbox that isn't OP
    • should be pretty high damage based off your level, str, dex, 100% crit, gives hero's a bit of range.
    • i mean how fun would this be to blast fire pillars or HT rocks out of the way helping ppl out and also dealing damage.
    • since this is fairly niche, a passive buff of STR/DEX+speed would be great additional perks for leveling this skill.
    • requires acc to hit mob, and ACA
    • could work on non boss mobs you can 1hko (yeets a mob if you are able to 1hk0 it (based on the dmg%, whatever that is), your attack animations, then crash into the boss animation+damage), mob death animation on boss. this gives magnet higher utility as well if you want to do coverage.
    • gives HW1-10 a high priority for heroes for the faster sed recovery and projectile coverage
    • or, no projectile damage, just destroys a projectile at the cost of orb/s, and the skill also gives a worthy passive str+dex+speed buff as well. this could also be combined with the DR crash as well for two great niche applications.
    its a really simple, but excellent method to offer rewarding engagement. you wouldn't have to use this, or always return an attack, but you will be rewarded if you do, or the more you do. this also makes HW10 highly desirable for heroes.

    all of them much more valuable and rewarding for players and parties then just way of giving a class "more attack"
    Pharsti and Kheb like this.
  2. Raitosu

    Raitosu Active Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Let's make Arch Mages be useful in bossing, shall we? They need not dish out big number DPS, but augment pt's DPS and provide utilities though debuffs.

    F/P Archmage skills:
    1. Poison skills [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] that can poison mobs now can poison bosses:
    • DoT based on character's stats, not MaxHP of bosses; can be the same as or less than the skill's base damage on cast (marked in red circle below):
    • Apply Invulnerability on bosses: Increase damage they receives from party members.
    • Short effect duration on bosses: Can be only at 10% of the skill's original duration, i.e 4 seconds with max-leveled Poison Mist.
    • No change to or may even lower the chance to proc Poison on bosses.
    The goal of this change is to enable F/P trademark poison skills on bosses. The poison effect now augments party's damage with an offer of small DoT. The short duration of the debuffs as well as the room for missing procs mean that the F/P must actively stay in boss fights to re-use the skill in order to re-apply the poison effects.

    2. Paralyze [​IMG] can affect bosses:
    • Extend existing Poison effects on bosses. Bosses struck by Paralyze are more prone to be Poisoned.
    Since the main skill an F/P will use in a single-target boss fight is Paralyze [​IMG], allowing this skill to increase the probability of other poison skills create a simple layer of skill combination that requires player to juggle in between in order to maximize the utility that they provide.

    3. Fire Demon [​IMG]:
    • Apply Ice weakness on bosses (Currently, it neutralizes all elemental weakness, which is interesting but detrimental in case of already existing elemental weakness on enemies)
    • Apply DoT on bosses, at a certain % of the skill's base damage. And for the love of mages please separate all DoT instances from one another.
    This allows Elquines to hit harder, despite the fact that the ice damage from it suffers from -20% damage passive of Elemental staff 5 and 6.

    I/L Archmage skills:
    1. Ice skills [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] that can Freeze mobs now can intermittently Freeze bosses not resistant to ice:
    • Freeze bosses: for a standard 2s and can only be re-applied every 15s on ice-neutral bosses but 10s on ice-weak bosses, for example.
    The goal here is to enable I/L trademark Ice skills on bosses. The conventional frozen effect can now Freeze bosses. The freeze effect reduces the number of attacks of a boss during a run, and inherently reduces pot consumption.

    2. Ice Demon [​IMG]:
    • Apply Fire weakness on bosses. (the counterpart of Fire Demon [​IMG])
    • Apply DoT on bosses, at a certain % of the skill's base damage. And for the love of mages please separate all DoT instances from one another.
    This allows Ifrit to hit harder, despite the fact that the fire damage from it suffers from -20% damage passive of Elemental staff 7 and 8.

    3. Lightning skills[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] can be changed:
    • Faster attack speed.
    They are zippity zappity, aren't they not? Also:
    • Moderate chance 60% to Shred DEF and M.DEF of the mobs and bosses it hits. If the boss is Frozen, the debuff is guaranteed to land.
    • Moderate debuff duration 5s, to ensure that the I/L mage is active to apply the debuff.
    • Increase Chain Lightning [​IMG] bounce distance.
    Since the main skill an I/L mage will use during single-target scenario is Chain Lightning[​IMG], the debuff weaken the boss will fall on this skill.
    The chance to proc debuff acts as a way to keep the I/L active during the boss fight. The effect of guaranteeing to land the DEF Shred to Frozen bosses acts as an incentive for the player to alternating between Ice and Lightning skills.

    Besides all this, why is Ephenia so anti I/L mage? :xD:
    Pharsti, Kheb and Javier like this.
  3. DickDann

    DickDann Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Add Genesis, blizzard, and Meteor 15 sec cooldown, and increase other boss skills.
    I know you won't :pepeboba:
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  4. RazumDar

    RazumDar Donator

    Jan 13, 2015
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    Genesis -> Invite your other Bish to party -> Leave party -> repeat
  5. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    I think those buffs would at least increase mages' viability from meme to at least F-tier (prolly a lot better). Yes, please.

    I cannot really comment on FP, since I dont main one. However removing Poison Myst's damage based on max HP would also remove a really cool thing about FP Mages, being able to farm very strong mobs on level 70~80. While the 3 FP mains probably don't give a single fuck. Mages are for many tools and removing this from FP mages will remove an undiscovered Goby-Leech-Like. I do think these niches are very cool and would find it sad to see that go.
    An alternative option is to change the function to something like Damage = (Max HP/Something)^((50+level)/100).
    We could easily let this function approach similar damage values to popular targets such as Duku while significantly reducing the potential damage to Bosses/LHC mobs.

    I think we are also missing out on a lot of fun with DoT Burning Damage on Fire Spells and "Shatter" Damage on Ice Spells. Such as WoW and PoE.
    Freeze on itself is not very good in this game since it often hurts your potential farming on mobs you do not 1-hit.
    However, adding these mechanics would definitely make Royals move away from the core old-school vibe they are trying to preserve.
    Whether that is good or bad is another discussion. I really don't mind.

    Things I can comment on is IL mage things.

    CL is "pretty ok" as single target spell. I do think it deserves some buffs.
    Giving it a chance to ignore m.def or even debuff w/m.def would be very cool.
    Allthough, I believe that the simpler approach to improve it are:
    Increase range, especially vertical range so you can actually hit Zakum Summons after aggroing them into your face (and the NL/SE).
    Also, at least outranging Chao's Push Attack would be great.
    Increase jump range. More fun :D!
    Increase its multi-target damage. If ayumilove is still correct. The chained damage is reduced by 30% for each jump, leaving you with laughable damage on your later damage hits.
    When farming lightning weak, ice resist mobs (like in NT) there is still very little use for CL. Blizzard hits much more mobs for much more damage.
    My suggestion would be to either change 30% to 20% (or whatever value is appropriate)

    Or go crazy, do the opposite, increase damage per jump.
    Or go little less crazy, increase its total damage for each mob hit. Ex. f(x)*(0.95+0.05(total mobs hit)).

    The general identity of Lightning being unpredictable is nowhere to be seen in Royals. I would find the "defense shredding" the coolest and would at least add to the general identity of Lightning. Gaining synergy from freeze would not only be very very very cool but would also make sense (superconductors).

    Yet, what I believe is a much better solution to viability of not only Mages but also DK's (and Heroes to an extend) is content.

    Mages are content starved. There is very little to do beside being stronger Bishops - Just without all the reasons people play Bishops.
    Damage Cap is preventing us from making meaningful progress at the things we can do well, beside being able to downgrade from Lolipops to Gizer to Meditate to still hit 200k damage on these 410k hp RG mobs.

    I personally enjoyed farming for Olaf's 5k NT mobs since it gave my mage purpose. Not for its exp or drops. Having something a mage can do very well is fun.
    More purpose = more fun. I honestly don't think mages "need" major buffs. We need content.

    Yes please, remove lightning resist on Chao and Eph T.T
    Joshy, Raitosu and Sylafia like this.
  6. Raitosu

    Raitosu Active Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Big brain move lol

    Oh and while the skill is on CD, each attacks have a chance to call down Meteor rock / Ice pin / Holy beam to deal extra dmg too!
    Wait a minute, it all sounds too familiar ... :p

    Well, only on bosses does the Poison DoT not scale on Max HP. Normal monsters still take MaxHP based DoT. That is what I meant.

    I agree that the "extra elemental" mechanics like Burning or Shatter you mentioned would take away the nostalgia in the player's experience. So, I picked out the already existing mechanics (Poison and Freeze) and gave them a buff in favor of bossings with no fancier visual effects than those we are already familiar with (green and blue color layer overlay :D, but I really like these simple effects)

    This way:
    • Archmage players would still experience the nostalgia that these spells and effects bring about when interacting them on normal monsters.
    • These nostalgia elements are carried into boss fights: Poison Mist scattered; Frozen effects plays out;... which evokes a fresh feelings on the same old mechanics but now effective on bosses.

    I also agree that there is not many end game contents that Archmages can enjoy. But this is a skill change and balance thread so not so much about contents can be discussed here ^_^'
    Kheb likes this.
  7. PinaColadaPirate

    PinaColadaPirate Donator

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Been reading this thread and brainstorming potential ideas that can make Corsair a bit more popular and rewarding to play.
    I really love playing Corsair so hopefully these ideas can contribute to the direction of where the class goes in the future balance change.

    Before diving into the ideas, here is my perspective and underlying assumptions:
    • I think sair should be a challenging class and it's okay that not everyone will like this playstyle.
    • The class should at least be friendly enough for newcomers to try it out.
    • Active gameplay (dodging hits, casting summons) should be rewarding.
    • Poor ship management should be punishing.
    • Don’t punish the class with having high HP.
    • Having some QOL updates would be great.

    My wishlist suggestions:
    1. Avoid: buff the avoid formula so that extra avoid = 0.4*dex, and make ship have a -300 avoid debuff.
      • Sair currently has a unique avoid formula of extra avoid = 0.125*dex, which makes sairs gain way less avoid from dex than other classes for no reason. (a level 200 sair most likely will only have 200 avoid with this formula)

        I suggest buffing the avoid/dex gain to 0.4/1 and giving ship a -300 avoid debuff. This change will make sair maintain around 200 avoid on ship, with a twist that now they have 500ish avoid when they are off-ship (worse than thieves; better than archers). This will encourage sairs to dismount not only for dodging hits but also for getting the extra avoid for less chance of kb/dp, hence less annoyance from repositioning/rebuffing. The off-ship avoid could also help sair recoil through maps without too much bumping into mobs and losing momentum.

        A lot of suggestions on this thread want to give stance/avoid to ship, but imo that wouldn't help much since an efficient sair should still dismount the incoming attacks, meaning you’ll lose the stance/avoid from ship, and get kb anyways. Giving avoid stat to the off-ship state would be a better solution rather than to the on-ship state.
    2. Buff Gaviota: Make it scales with range not dex, deals 840% damage. (5% of overall cannon dps)
      • Gaviota is a pretty engaging skill that sairs can cast every 5 seconds alongside cannon to boost their dps. Sadly the damage is so negligible that most sairs don’t even bother to cast it. Attack pots made it even more meaningless to cast because Gaviota scales out of dex, not range. It's really a waste of opportunity to not use this skill as a chance to distinguish outstanding sairs from average sairs.

        To encourage active gameplay, I think the consistent casting of Gaviota should deal roughly 5% equivalent of cannon’s dps. The reasoning behind 5% is that 5% is basically how much dps boost sair can get from having se/si. And if sairs are willing to make efforts to recruit se/si to buff their dps, then they should be willing to cast Gaviota for that extra 5% dps boost too.

        Alternatively, if it's not possible to make Gaviota scale with the range due to it being a summon attack, maybe modify Airstrike so that it works similarly to Gaviota (available to cast on ship, and no cast animation), but down the damage to 840%. (tho, I can see this being annoying since Airstrike has big animations like gene)
        Cannon’s damage is 380%; each cannon cast is 4 shots; 5 seconds of cannon spam on si should be 11 casts.
        which makes 5% of the cannon damage: 5%*(380%*4*11) = 836%
    3. Rapid Fire nerf
      • Rapid fire along with octopus spam can still deal 90% of cannon’s dps according to this guide. I am not sure if this statement is still valid but if it is true, then the consequence of breaking ship isn't punishing enough in my opinion. I don't think the 90% damage is justified when a drk, on the other hand, loses almost half dps from not zerking, or even can do 0 dps if they die.

        I suggest nerfing Rapid Fire from (dmg: 200%) to (dmg:170%). This can be achieved by removing Rapid Fire 30, leaving the skill max at 20. I'll explain why I propose to reduce the max skill level on my next point...
    4. SP Rework
      • If you have a lv200 sair, you probably had trouble maxing out all the useful skills. This is probably due to Elemental Boost 30 being implemented in the game in update #73.3. Unlike HW10 being added alongside 5 potential extra SPs from Olaf Quest, when EB30 was implemented, sair didn't gain any extra SPs. So naturally there's a shortage in SP for the class.

        I suggest fixing this by either making Gaviota max at (from 30->20) or making Rapid Fire max at (from 30->20) so that the 10 SP can be used on other useful skills such as thrower/splitters.
    5. Cap the 1/1 damage dealt on ship at 20k
      • Having excess hp on sair could be detrimental due to how ship hp and 1/1 work. This just makes it annoying for sairs to get paired with drk, because HB will put sair at a disadvantage. Currently, the highest minimum HP requirement from a boss is 18k hp-ish for VL, making 18k the "optimal HP" that most newer sairs aims for if they want to enjoy all contents. HB brings that HP to almost 30k, making the ship only be able to tank 6 1/1 hits before it breaks. This inconvenience makes no sense for a class that’s already unpopular and skill-demanding.

        I think it is reasonable to cap the 1/1 dmg dealt to ship at 20k so that it wouldn't bring any advantage to these sub-2o-hp sairs other than granting them the flexibility to pair with drks or give them the option to go above the current "optimal hp".
    6. Ship HP gain formula change
      • Ship has HP gain formula that makes sairs scale their ship hp gradually while they level the character. I think this is a cool feature, but at the same time, I also don’t feel it’s friendly enough for newer sairs to have so little ship HP to start with when realistically they need the room for error the most.

        Instead of having a linear growth formula in which ship gains the same amount of hp at each level, maybe having a logarithmic growth curve in which most of the hp is gained at lower levels would be more friendly. This way HP growth would feel more noticeable and newer sairs can have more room for errors to practice dismounting with.
        It feels really bad to see new sairs get frustrated with ship mechanics and quit without knowing that it will only get better as they progress further.
    7. Minor QOL changes
        1. Reduce recoil CD
          Recoil’s CD makes the class quite clucky to play. I tried it on a server where they reduced it’s cd and it felt hella nice
        2. Pet speed matches character speed, instead of ship speed
          Ever since I did the pet speed quest they match my ship 80% speed wtf.
        3. Fix mounting delay on high ping
          This is an issue only for people who play at higher pings. Having a higher ping makes dismounting/remounting have delays, making it more difficult to dodge hits. This is pretty bad and could limit the class to only players who have decent pings. I’m not an expert in this but I assume this is because the mounting action is processed on the server side so it requires the signal to get back and forth between server and clients. Maybe devs can look into this and make mounting on the client side(?)
        4. More macro slots
          Sair has too many skills and combos. Extra macro slots would be very nice to have (for buccs too)
        5. Enable echo on ship
    8. Beyond just class balancing and QOL changes (mostly just my rant)
      • I think it's pretty obvious that new content can make unpopular classes rise now that we see how lhc/vl/rg made all the melees shine. But often I felt like this class was so underrepresented at a point that there's just no intention to release content that can make people want to try the class.

        VL was a very good addition for sairs since muling is nearly impossible there and the mechanics suit sair’s playstyle well… until the patch that forces sairs to get off their ship to clear gargoyles with splitters. Not to mention they were bugged to have elemental resist against fire/ice for a year until I complained about it to the banned-corsair-staff-who-must-not-be-named. Gargoyles are neutral to fire/ice now but why not bring it a step forward to make gargoyles weak to either ice or fire or both? That will actually move sair back to decent-top tier in VL just below shad/buccs/bs.

        Sair really is a fun class that has a lot of unique mechanics and potential, but often gets overlooked and limited because people would rather just multiclient for better profits than focus on one client. Hopefully, future content like pb will be designed so that sairs can actually shine there and attract more people to play the class.
    Abdus, Rielle, Donn1e and 9 others like this.
  8. Cynn

    Cynn Donator

    Dec 23, 2017
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    anglerfish1, Javier, Martin and 4 others like this.
  9. Dish

    Dish Donator

    Feb 28, 2015
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    • Dragon's Blood: stack with Atk potions
    • Cap Cleric‘s heal effect at 50% of Dark Knight's HP
    • Combine Hex of the Beholder all into one buff

    ^^^^These are wonderful ideas for DK
    Javier likes this.
  10. Nivi

    Nivi Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I have seen this statement about octopus damage floating around and I absolutely do not believe it to be accurate. So I decided to test it today and did some napkin math. When rapid firing and casting octopus, it takes about 1 second for the animation to complete and overall you lose about 1.1 seconds worth of rapid fire shots when casting octopus. The rate that the octopus fires is inconsistent, but under the best testing conditions I saw it fire 26 times during its 40 second lifespan. The damage of an octopus shot is somewhat equal to a rapid fire shot without any attack buffs activated (although more stable). During 1.1 seconds casting time rapid fire shoots 9 times (a bit more), so we need to substract that from the 26 shots. So in total when casting octopus, you 'win' about 17 shots under the best conditions. You can cast octopus every 10 seconds, so under a 10 second period (think of the octopus shooting all 26 shots immediately and expiring instead of during the full 40 seconds, damage wise it makes no difference):

    84 shots (rapid fire with no octopus) goes to 101 shots (octopus added). So we can multiply rapid fire damage by (101/84) to account for octopus used.
    Again, this is under best case scenario with no attack buffs active!

    Cannon dps: 95 x 4 x 380% / 60s = 2406.66 %/s
    (cannon fires 95 times a minute, without SI)

    Rapid fire dps: 500 x 200% / 60s = 1666.66 %/s
    (rapid fire 500 shots a minute)

    Adjusted rapid fire dps (with octopus): 1666.66 %/s x (101/84) = 2003.97 %/s

    Rf + octopus / cannon = 0.83 = 83%
    (without octopus it's 70% of cannon's dps)

    This is the absolute best case scenario for octopus casting. It's not realistic. Once we start using attack buffs, one octopus shot is nowhere near equal to a rapid fire shot. With rough math it's around 75% of cannon's output when using apples, it becomes debatable if using octopus is even worth it then. Add SI to your cannon and it's even less than 75% of cannon's damage.

    I assume whoever did the 90% figure years ago didnt take into account the casting time of the octopus. Obviously you cant shoot during the animation.

    Tldr: Losing ship is punishing, octopus isnt all that great. Apart from this single point I like your suggestions though!

    Wouldnt it be much simpler to just drop some of the 4th job requirements? That way we could move points from say, Burst Fire or Homing Beacon to max Gaviota. Burst Fire has slight application against damage reflect when ship is down though.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  11. PinaColadaPirate

    PinaColadaPirate Donator

    Jul 10, 2022
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    I was very skeptical about that statement too, so I also did some math, but it was quite hard to get a general damage output without specifying your range/dex,str/attack pot/se,si...

    This isn't really a rigorous assumption, because octopus damage output scales with your dex/str, hence if you are on attack pot or on SE it can go off by a lot.

    Realistically you want to compare the DPM for cannon vs rapid fire+octopus:
    Cannon DPM (without SI) = 380% x 1.2(corsair's base power) x 4(shot/cast) x 95 (casts) x avgRange
    Cannon DPM (with SI+SE) = [(380%+140%) x 0.15 + 380% x 0.85] x 1.2 x 4 x 100 x avgRange
    Rapid Fire + Octopus DPM = 5 x octopus avg dmg + time using RF x RF DPS
    each Octopus average damage of its life spam = (4.25Dex + 2.5Str) x 2.5 (attack rate) x 26
    time using RF = 60 - 5*1.1 = 54.5s
    Rapid Fire (without SE) DPS = 200% x 1.2 x 500shot/60sec x avgRange = 2000%/s x avgRange
    Rapid Fire (with SE) DPS = [(200%+140%)x 0.15 + 200%x 0.85] x 1.2 x 500shot/60sec x avgRange = 2210%/s x avgRange

    You can try out the above equations for your own dex/str/range condition
    but for your reference here's my outcome with my stats...
    RF+Octopus/Cannon (clean) = 76%
    RF+Octopus/Cannon (apple/echo) = 72%
    RF+Octopus/Cannon (SI/SE) = 75%
    RF+Octopus/Cannon (apple/echo/SI/SE) = 71%

    So yea the RF+Octopus combo turned out to be way more punishing than that 90% statement and what we think, and maybe it doesn't deserve the nerf after all.

    Yea I think there's a lot of ways to address the SP issue and my proposal was just one of the many. I'm all for it as long as it solves the problem without making another.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
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  12. Nivi

    Nivi Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I wanted to avoid going into absolute damage numbers, so I made this simple observation to make an estimate. Generally when you scale your dex/str you also scale your attack, so they arent typically very off balance between players. %-based damage is good enough for comparing attacks to one another to make a point about octopus being much worse than advertised. Also I wanted to give octopus every advantage it can get to give it the absolute highest possible reference number (83%) even if it's unrealistic (hence no SE SI or att buff of any kind).

    Where does this 5 come from though? When you cast the 5th, the 1st one has already despawned. There are only 4 active ones at best. Instead of saying 'time using RF', it's much simpler to think of the octopus as one burst of damage when you spawn it (26x octopus attack) when the number of active octopi varies anyway. Much less confusing. Otherwise you need a weighted average of active octopi and that highly depends on your mechanical skills.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    Sylafia likes this.
  13. PinaColadaPirate

    PinaColadaPirate Donator

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Realistically tho, si/se/attack pots/echo made the difference, attack pots especially. And usually that's the condition you are at when you are bossing. That's why it's better to consider those as well.

    The Octopus avg dmg is exactly what you are saying. 5 is just you can cast 5 Octopus during a 1min time range (the 6th should count as the 2nd minute)
    Time using RF is referencing the total of seconds casting rapid fire within that 1min time range (so it's 54sec ish if u spend 6sec casting 5 octopus)
  14. Nivi

    Nivi Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Oh, you were calculating damage per minute values instead of per second with 5 active octopi. Yup, then it makes sense.
    PinaColadaPirate likes this.
  15. StarSaber

    StarSaber Donator

    Apr 22, 2019
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    There seems to be a shift between old school Maplestory where people remember grinding for levels
    To the sudden shift to modern day gameplay of Boss Fight Simulator philosophy

    I for one, am a fan of simple grinds, where you can just zone out, listen to music, while grinding and chatting, nothing too intense. I do that a lot in games that are Home-Away-From-Home, such as building something or mining in Minecraft.
    And Maplestory was a Home-Away-From-Home to me back then.

    Paladin's old freeze really did help on that grind and was such a staple of the game I got used to.
    However it seems to be abandoned because maybe it's a "unfair advantage" when you're in a boss room and you freeze the adds?

    I'd rather the game return to how it was similar before, rather than it becoming Leech + Bosses & Apples.
    Removing little bits that endorsed regular mob grinds just turns it into everything I hate in modern gaming, where it's all just min maxing boss fights.
    nomade, Cooler and Javier like this.
  16. skete

    skete Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2023
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    skete, 1,2,u
    ok we're ready
  17. veen11

    veen11 Donator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    changing taunt to buff skill(same effects)
  18. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    ~onyx General:

    [-] Make Echo's range map wide.

    Why?: Fits with the skill name and a good QoL. Eliminates awkward situations where one or a few pt member(s) is out of range for Echo. Makes echo'ing in FM more helpful for other players too!

    [-] Increase Cheese / Reindeer Milk amount per slot to 200 or 300

    Why?: QoL to help Drk mains with inventory space. When I'm playing my Hero/Paladin, I'm comfortable using 8~10 slots with Power Elixirs/Elixirs and have space for scrolls, attack potions, and etc. Meanwhile my guildie/buddy Drks can struggle with juggling inventory, up to 20~30 slots for 2000~3000 cheese/milk to do regular bossing. It wouldn't be too much to bump up the amount per slots for Drks. I don't think this suggestion would go out of hand for other classes as they don't use nearly as much milk/cheese as Drks do.

    [-] Triangular Sushi is purchasable; Stacks to 200~300 per slot


    [-] All classes are uncapped, can exceed current 199,999 cap


    [-] Lv200 Draco Mount has fixed hit box. Hitbox no longer clipping through floor


    [-] Pet Speed is now a skill granted after completing Kenta's advice


    [-] Three Snails:

      • No longer uses Snail shells
      • MP slightly increased
      • Skill has a random chance of throwing different colored shell but deals same damage as skill rank

    [-] Recovery:
    • No longer requires MP
    • Recovers 20% of your HP and MP over 20 seconds at max rank
    • Cooldown reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes

    [-] Three Snails, Nimble Feet, Recovery:
    • reduced to 2 Levels from 3
    • rebalanced stats
      • Three Snails 1.) 20 dmg -6 MP | 2) 40 dmg -10 MP
      • Nimble Feet 1.) +12 speed 12secs | 2) +20 speed 20secs
      • Recovery 1.) 10% | 2) 20% over 20 seconds


    [-] General - Power Guard no longer disappears upon mounting

    Why?: QoL for Hero/Pally. Frustrating when the skill is removed when mounting and you're running into high touch damage mobs/boss

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] General - Reduce Improving MP Recovery, Shield Mastery, and Attack/Armor/Total Crash to 10 levels from 20 levels

    Why?: I feel these skills require way too much skill points for skills that you won't use until much later on and you're unable to max other skills that you're regularly using (or will benefit from immediately). Reducing to 10 levels will allow more satisfaction in skill point distribution

    [-] Hero/Paladin - Shield Mastery gives Avoid or slight bonus HP while equipping a shield from only increasing Shield Defense stat

    Why?: I wanted to give this skill a relevant use rather than being obsolete forever. White Knights gain bigger bonus than Crusaders

    [-] Hero/Paladin - Guardian gives bonus stance at lv30

    Why?: To give more incentive for Warriors to go (and STAY as) 1H Hero/Pally.

    [-] Hero/Paladin - Guardian's Knockback is Removed or made Toggleable


    [-] Hero/Paladin - Guardian's Stun is changed to a Slow; now affects Bosses


    [-] Future Warrior Shields (~lv110+) get Attack Stat and Only have 7 Slots instead of 10 akin to Khanjar

    Why?: I remember when Haplopelma petitioned for a long time to make Warrior Shields have 10 slots instead of 7. Staff had finally gave in and gave 1H Warriors a chance to have something better than a lv20 Maple Shield. While I'm still happy for this change, I think for the future any additional Warrior shields added into the game should have an attack stat and only have 7 slots, akin to a Khanjar.

    I think 1H Warriors have to spend way too much to perfect both 1H & Shield to be on-par with 2H (Stonetooth)... I think lowering the slots will make 1H cheaper overall for high end Warriors.

    [-] Power Stance: buff from 90% to 95%
    [-] Hero - Rage
    • increased to 5 minutes 200 / 300 secs
    • immune to dispel
    • Rage scales from 12 atk -> 15 atk + 1 atk per 20 levels (25 at lv200)
    Why?: Feel as though the duration is a bit too short. Bring it up to 5 minutes 200 secs to match Booster or make it 5 min buff.

    [-] Hero - Shout Rework idea:
    • A cooldown of 30~15 or 30-20 seconds based on skill level
    • Has same Attack Range as Dk's Roar in scaling
    • No longer stuns but buffs Mobs to have Speed Buff
    • Does more damage and scales from mob count of 6 to 15 / 12 / 10 at max level.
    Why?: Give Heroes the abilities to lure mobs to them and make them a very good grinding class with other pt members (or solo)

    [-] (Adv) Combo Attack:

    • Now gives full damage increase without orb, no longer relies on orb stacks
    • Duration increased to 10mins from 3mins
    Why?: Combo Attack feels awkward in that it shouldn't have such a short duration and you shouldn't be "recharging" it up to get full damage output. Give us the full damage output and make the orbs be for using Panic / Coma

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Panic:
    • Change from Single Target basic attack to a weaker Lv1 Rush
    • Range is 80% (same as lv1 Rush); Does not increase with level
    • Scales from hitting only 2 mobs to up to 6 mobs at max Rank
    • Applies Darkness/Accuracy debuff to mobs/bosses for 10 seconds (duration or debuff effect increased with max Orbs)
    Why?: Wanted to make Panic be more useful in 3rd job and is later "upgraded" to Rush in 4th job. In its current state, I can't find where it's actually useful other than using Brandish+Rush

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Coma:
    • Change small AoE size to a scaling large AoE size akin to Explosion
    • Hits 4 lines x 50% instead of 1 line x 200% (to make it scale more with SE); Damage scales with max Orbs
    • Requires 2 orbs from only one
    Why?: I feel like Coma should be an AoE skill that Heroes use in both 3rd + 4th job. However, due to its very small range, you can't justify ever using it versus mowing down clumps of mobs with Brandish over time or using Rush as an AoE. My suggestion is to hopefully make it more relevant in 3rd job grinding and make it useful in 4th job with 4+ mob/boss body part scenarios.

    [-] Armor Crash - Now also removes Magic Defense up

    Why?: Just to help Mages when they're paired with a Hero ~f2

    [-] Brandish - Increase range to be able to hit Horntail Head A+B on small platform


    [-] Adv Combo Attack:
    • Gives additional Sword/Axe weapon mastery on skill rank up to 10% (or 15%) at Max
    • Success rate is reduced by a lot OR only gives one orb

    [-] Enrage rework (Self):
    • Ignores a % of enemy weapon defense for 30/40 seconds
    • 4~5 minute cooldown
    "Brave" (Party)
    • Gives the party Total Crash effect at 60% (from 75% of Total Crash) for 60 seconds; can stack with Total Crash
    • Party receives a multiplicative Stance rate (i.e. 10% for Non-Warr; negligible for Warr)
    • Requires max Orbs to perform
    • Range is same as Sharp Eye Buff
    [-] Threaten:
    • Success Rate changed from 50% to 100%
    • Keep Wep Def % Reduction the same & also add Magic Def % reduction; If too strong then reduce % to 10% from 20% OR affected targets take 3% more damage

    [-] Paladin - Total Crash - Make it same range as Sharp Eyes

    Why?: This was asked for after the Crash change and it was only slightly increased. Please increase it so Paladins don't have to huddle so close to pt members to buff them with this.

    [-] Paladin - Total Crash - now lasts 60 seconds


    [-] Paladin - Charged Blast - Slightly reduce scaling at max rank from 250% to 230/220%; No longer expires after initial use

    Why?: Wanted to make Charged Blast more relevant as a skill unlike now where you have to wait until 4th job to mainly use it since it can disappear. Decreased the scaling so that it doesn't completely dominate Power Strike but White Knights can "upgrade" from Slash Blast.

    [-] Paladin - (Adv) Charged Blast - Increase AoE range + Splash range of ACB


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Paladin - Elemental Charge - Now lasts 5 minutes from 3 minutes at max rank


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Paladin - Elemental Charge - Immune to dispel

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Drk - Spear/Polearm Crusher: increase range horizontally in the direction your character faces and vertically below your character (allow you to hit Dunas v2 drone while on ground & hit Horntail Head A+B)

    [-] Drk - Polearm Crusher - buff dmg output to be slightly behind Spear


    [-] Drk - Dragon Roar - Can be performed while jumping


    [-] Drk - Dragon Blood - Deals more tick damage to yourself but Attack damage bonus can stack with potions; No longer able to kill you

    Why?: Wanted to grab this suggestion from what I saw from other server..

    I’d suggest making the change of having Dragon Blood do DoT damage until the player is equal or less than to Berzerk Threshold HP% so that players can ease into full Zerk and be somewhat as a lever for the average player. Can maybe lower the attack damage bonus or make it a Strength bonus (and lower the tick damage to 1%). Also, make sure it’s not able to kill the player (if it wasn’t already fixed).

    On other server, they changed this by having it give the Aura of the Beholder effect of healing the player but it has a cooldown.

    [-] Drk - Improve Zerk Scaling by adding a true Berserk scaling

    Why?: With a proper Zerk scaling, casual Dark Knights can more readily do endgame bosses without feeling like they're a weight on the team or possibly being excluded. They'll have less damage than Drk's that are Zerking at lower HP thresholds but will still be an aid to their team unlike the current Zerk scaling.

    [-] Aura of the Beholder rework:
    • For 20 ~ 60 seconds, becomes immune to all damage and status effect (still vulnerable to Seduce)
    • 10 minute cooldown
    • Immune to dispel

    On other server, they changed this by having it be essentially a 4th job Power Guard.

    [-] Hex of the Beholder - can now be stacked with potions (attack damage reduced to only 5 at max rank)



    [-] Infinity - Grants Self Magic Cancel Penetration during the duration of the buff (FMAs don't don't apply)

    Why?: I think this spell is a bit lacking. I wanted to give Mages their own "self-Total Crash" to give them a high moment when this buff is active and nudge AMs to be slightly more viable in non-Paladin scenarios.

    [-] lv103/156 Elemental Staffs - Could equipping them give you more Spell Attack Speed (FMAs/Summons don't don't apply)?

    Why?: Just a what-if suggestion of possibly making Elemental Staffs give more Spell Attack speed since they're so difficult to use while keeping up high TMA. I think maybe a +1 Spell speed boost could be tested

    [-] Mage - Spell Booster - Reduce/Remove the lockup from casting (make it similar to Booster)


    [-] Door/Summons have a buff icon you can cancel/gauge duration


    [-] Seal:
    • buff it from 95 to 100%
    • Works on bosses but will go on a 1 minute cooldown or 90~120 sec cooldown

    [-] Fire/Ice Demon:
    • let it work on bosses
    • fix its effect
    • let Speed Infusion affect its casting time
    [-] Cleric:
    • Bless duration increased to 5 minutes from 3 minutes 20 seconds
    • Immune to dispel
    • Stats are increased to 25/30 from 20


    [-] Priest/Bishop - Holy Symbol: duration increased to 5 minutes 3 mins from 2 mins

    Why?: I think for a lot of people, Holy Symbol's duration has always felt too short. Bringing it up to 5 minutes 3 mins will allow it to join the ranks of the standard 5 min 3 min duration of skills. An argument could be made that Holy Symbol is too strong/Priest muled too much so it's fair that it has 2 min duration. The only thing I can say is that in a perfect game, we wouldn't have Holy Symbol at all and could just play solo/party up with others as needed. However, because it's in the game and we're forced to use it in a lot of situations, I don't think we should be punished with its current duration of 2 mins and frequently rebuff it in comparison to other self/party skills.

    [-] Priest - Holy Symbol Reduce/Remove the lockup from casting


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Cleric/Bishop - Holy Arrow and Holy Ray:
    • can now hit up to 3 mobs from 1 in a small AoE on impact
    • can be performed while jumping

    [-] Bishop - Holy Ray has improved scaling

    [-] Poison Element Immunity removed from most bosses; introduce Poison Element weakness to certain bosses

    Why?: Fixing Nexon's 2000s game design of making Poison mage but they can't actually do anything against bosses ~f18 Not speaking about Poison tick damage but Poison element so that Paralyze can utilized in more situations. This will allow niche F/P Archmages to participate in bosses akin to I/L Archmages (compared to now where you can't bring them anywhere).

    [-] Fire Arrow, Elemental Composition, and Paralyze:
    • can now hit up to 3 mobs from 1 in a small AoE on impact
    • can be performed while jumping

    [-] Paralyze:
    • has improved scaling
    • hits up to 3 lines
    • let Speed infusion affect its casting time

    [-] Elquines attack range is increased

    [-] Chain Lightning:
    • has improved scaling
    • hits up to 2 lines
    • let Speed infusion affect its casting time
    • remove the decreasing damage per mob mechanic but can now only hit up to 4 mobs from 6

    [-] Ifrit attack range is increased


    :archer: Archers:

    [-] Give Bowmasters / Marksman a craftable (Rechargable) Quiver from Neo Tokyo

    Why?: Wanted to see Archers get more options for Quiver. I think Royal Quiver was a good idea but it sucks that it's the only one and expensive too... I think a weaker budget Quiver you can craft in Neo Tokyo would serve as a good alternative for the Royals Quiver and SE mains can recharge their Quivers in stores and don't have to keep running to Showa / Phantom Forest for arrows.

    [-] Buff Bowmasters / Marksman Quivers:
    • Teamwork Quivers increased to 12 atk from 8 atk
    • Von Leon Quivers increased to 16 atk from 12 atk (increase to 20 atk if Neo Tokyo Quiver is introduced that is 16 atk instead);
    • Any additional Quivers from future content give +3/+4 attack from highest (currently VL quiver); Xbow quivers have half arrow count of Bow quivers


    [-] Archer skills can now be used while jumping


    [-] Puppet/Summons have a buff icon you can cancel/gauge duration


    [-] Focus - Change from Active -> Passive. No longer gives accuracy, will now only give Avoidability

    Why?: This skill feels out of place as an active skill. By making it a passive, it'll give Archers slightly more avoid and be a net buff when using stoppers or Apple+High Avoid potion

    [-] The Eye of Amazon - Gives an additional 3/4 attack range per 20 character levels (+30/40 attack range at lv200)


    [​IMG] OR [​IMG][​IMG]
    [-] Critical Shot's chance rate increased to 50% from 40%
    OR (2nd Job) Bow/XBow Mastery gives +10% critical strike chance at max skill rank


    [-] If unable to increase critical strike chance, then give Blind/Hamstring passive that allows SE to hit through Weapon Cancel at a small % (i.e. 5~10% BM | 15~20% MM)

    Why?: Other people have mentioned increasing the Crit for Archers and I agree. If Staff ultimately decides not to do this, then I think giving archers a passive via Hamstring/Blind that allows them to hit through Weapon Cancel will make them be slightly more competitive with Corsairs/NLs. Stacks will Total Crash

    [-] Inferno / Blizzard:
    • Hits up to 3 lines from 1 line

    [-] Arrow Rain / Eruption:
    • Hits up to 4 lines from 1 line

    [-] Dragon Breath:
    • Remove melee range (akin to Ninja Storm) or allow it to work at a close range
    • increase its vertical and horizontal range
    [-] Give Marksman a "Flame Sword"-esque (4) Speed Crossbow; Do not punish MM for having it...

    Why?: I'd want to see Marksman get their own "Flame Sword" equivalent of a Crossbow that'll allow them to hit at max speed and not be overly reliant on Speed Infusion. Of course, the max attack on the bow won't beat out Dragon Crossbow akin to how Flame Sword doesn't beat out the Dragon 1H sword in attack. Please, don't punish MMs for having this option like what was done with the Raven xbow and then Staff buffed Crimson Arclancer to be potential endgame bow for BMs and requiring way less stats to wield it.

    [-] Raven's Eye, buff it:
    • Heavily reduce STR needed to wear it
    • Increase Speed to (4) from (5)
    • Improve way to get it

    [-] Blizzard:
    • Can now critically strike
    • Does slightly more damage to be comparable to Inferno

    [-] Snipe:
    • Give it a scaling rather than always 199k to improve endgame MM damage output and still be relevant in rotations with high attack potions
    • Reduce end lag and/or speed up the attack
    • Now fires at maximum speed; No longer affected by crossbow speed/si/booster

    [-] Piercing Arrow - Reduce its charge-up time by 25%

    [-] Concentrate:
    • Increases Avoid rate by certain %
    • let it stack with atk potions (but decrease amount of attack given if possible)


    [-] Magic Throwing Knife v2 - Give us the ability to purchase/exchange for Joong's MTK

    Why?: I always liked Joong's revised sprite for the MTK in comparison to the OG look for MTK. It'd be nice if both versions of the MTK were available and you could do an exchange to the MTK v2 (Joong) and vice versa.

    [-] Dragon Kreda / Timeless Killic - Add +6 LUK (5~7 | 5~12 godly) stat to the Dagger

    Why?: I feel like the Kreda Dagger is underwhelming against the Kanzir even though they sport different looks. I'd want to see them being on par with each other, though Kreda being harder to perfect versus the Kanzir. If the Timeless Weapons ever come out with Pink Bean, then I hope Staff adjusts the Killic vs the Pescas too.

    [-] Dark Sight:
    • Allow Heroes Will to be used while in Dark Sight
    • Let any attack cancel it

    [-] Taunt changed to only do 1 damage


    [-] Ninja Ambush:
    • has improved scaling
    • can be animation cancelled? (i.e. Ninja Ambush > Ninja Storm or Boomerang Step > Ninja Ambush > Band of Thieves) or certain skills apply Ninja Ambush (Band of Thieves / Avenger)

    [-] Venom Star/Stab works on LHC/Champion-tier Mobs (or Boss mobs)

    [-] Bandit - Double stab:

    • buffed from 130% -> 165% (or 150%)
    • Has 15% mastery akin to Magic claw or minimum damage output akin to Lucky Seven
    • Or can hit up to 2 mobs
    • Increase horizontal range
    Why?: It's well known that Double Stab is a subpar skill that Sindit remains the most efficient skill build to play (and being useful in LPQ). If you max this skill, then you're met with low varied damage output and burning pots getting up close on mobs due to its short range compared to Lucky 7 where you're attacking from a range (saving on pots) and have solid damage. While people might use the excuse of Nostalgia to keep Double Stab in its current state while being perfectly okay with 4th job QoL changes/Buffs & other changes, I think if it doesn't take much work on the Devs part then Double stab should be buffed to be useable (and not a struggle) when maxing it.

    If I remember correctly, (please tell me if I'm wrong...) Lucky 7 has a minimum damage output with its formula which allows it to be relevant compared to Double Stab which doesn't have it.

    [-] Bandit - Implement v92 Steal version:
    • increased attack range to match animation (rather than melee attack range)
    • increased scaling to 130% (from 100%)
    • does an AoE attack (mob count scaling 2 ~ 4)
    Why?: I think Steal is a bit lackluster and could use the better scaling. I want to see how Bandits would play out with this skill change as this was only seen very late into pre-bb.

    [-] Assaulter:
    • Reduce its animation time by 50%
    • increase the draw distance
    • slight iframe after performing

    [-] Chief Bandit - Increase the vertical reach or AoE splash range of Band of Thieves

    Why?: I could be wrong but I think it's not reaching high enough. Though this could be ignored since Shadowers are strong.

    [-] Shield Mastery:
    • gives Avoid or slight bonus HP while equipping a shield from only increasing Shield Defense stat
    • Reduced to 10 levels
    Why?: I wanted to give this skill a relevant use rather than being obsolete forever. Would probably lean to the HP stat and it giving slight bonus in HP at max rank (i.e. 125/150 hp)

    [-] Shadower - Assassinate:
    • Dark Sight removed as a requirement
    • Now requires you to hold movement key to use Dashing strike
    • Add iFrames to its 4th hit
    • Fix damage bug: 3rd person point of view shows critical hits with sharp eyes, while 1st person does not.

    [-] Shadower - Boomerang Step can now be performed while jumping

    Why?: Wanted to bring this QoL that a lot of other servers have made. While I know Shadowers are strong, I feel like this is a good qol for Shads in: 1) allowing thieves to be able to perform (most) of their attacks in mid-air and 2) increasing the feel of a Shadower

    [-] Shadower - Smokescreen :
    • has a buff icon that you can gauge (can't be cancelled)
    • Reduce Smoke Visual Duration by 1~2 seconds
    [-] Hermit - Meso UP duration increased to 3 mins from 2 mins

    Why?: Bring it up to standard 3min duration buffs.

    [-] Ninja Storm - Has a minimum damage output / scales better



    [-] Dash reworked into a passive skill

    Why?: Dash has always been in an odd spot where it's known to be helpful... when you remember to use it. In the early parts of a Gunslingers journey, you use this frequently but ends up falling off hard in usage as mid game approaches and you're juggling a multitude of skills (wings+recoil). It ends up becoming an underwhelming skill.

    I propose changing it into a passive skill that provides +15 speed and +5 jump permanently at max rank. This change will:
    1. make it relevant at all times
    2. simplify Gunslingers gameplay via less button management (especially when Wings+Recoil shot comes into play)
    3. allows for smoother movement and feel when grinding


    [-] Allow Pirate Dash to persist for 20secs rather than completely disappearing if you stopped or changed direction

    Why?: Alternate idea to my Dash Passive rework. (Not recommended as Passive will be better overall)
    [-] Reduce or remove corsairs melee range


    [-] Double Shot increased to 120% from 110%

    Why?: I think Double shot is slightly behind the curve vs single target compared to Archers/Assassins as they get better scaling with crit. Giving +10% should make Gunslingers feel better to use until 3rd job's Burst Fire (though will still be on the weaker side compared to other classes).

    [-] Invisible Shot:
    • increased damage scaling from 170 -> 180 or 200%
    • mob count of 3 -> 4
    Why?: From my own experience playing on another server that experimented with increasing the damage scaling and mob count of Invisible Shot, the change made Gunslingers grinding fun. While I won't suggest the exact changes they did, I think toning up Invisible Shot as the highlight of their 2nd job along with Wings+Recoil Shot would be beneficial.

    [-] Grenade rework:
    • receiving damage buffs
      • hitting up to 6/8 mobs
      • having a bigger explosion radius
      • Make the grenade have a linear throw (no charge up) instead of charging it up.
    Why?: This skill has always been a terrible skill and never sees any use. I propose changing it to have a cooldown in return for proposed

    I also toyed with the idea of it leaving a poison mist on detonation. (Also, I don't know if players would prefer a linear throw rather than a charged up throw)

    [-] Recoil Shot cooldown reduced further/removed

    Why?: Removing the cooldown on this skill will help Gunslingers/Outlaws reposition better in grinding scenarios. This also has the effect of making the skill a better mobility option for Gunslingers than Wings+Recoil akin to Flash Jump. While I know people will be against this, I do think it'll allow Sair players to have more fun with the increased movement.

    [-] Recoil Shot has slight iframe


    [​IMG] + [​IMG]
    [-] Allow Recoil Shot to be used on Battleship

    Why?: This suggestion sounds crazy but after growing up with One Piece and seeing the Sunny-Go, I think this would be a cool change for Sairs to have in their toolset (and be one step closer to being the Pirate King).

    [-] Burst Fire to be properly scaled up to be an improvement of Double Shot at lv1; Either (preferably) increase fire rate or increase damage output

    Why?: Currently, Burst Fire is a noob trap as it's actually a downgrade in single target DPS upon first getting it. The Corsair guide owner on ML, akashsky, recommends not leveling it until you have an extra 11 sp to use (~4 levels!) as only then will Burst Fire be stronger than Double Shot. I'd highly recommend giving it a proper scale up in damage to be an immediate upgrade to Double shot at lv1 rather needing 4 more levels to do so.

    [-] Burst Fire: Separate it from Double Shot and make it an active skill


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Flamethrower / Ice splitter:

      • buffed to 210% / 200% at max rank
      • increase scaling mob count from 2 ~ 6 -> 4 ~ 6
    Why?: I wanted to better emphasize Outlaw's 3rd job mobbing with this proposal. The initial mob count was always way to low and the damage scaling didn't seem that high. After playing on another server's experimented changes, I want to advocate for increased scaling at max level and better initial mob count at level 1.

    [-] Gaviota:
    • Make it a summon like Phoenix/Frostprey/Bahamut/Ifrit/Elquines
    • Give it a buff icon that you can cancel

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [-] Reduce Homing Beacon to Max Rank 10 from 30; Bullseye now requires only lv10 on Beacon from lv30

    Why?: Due to the heavy SP requirement of Homing Beacon needed for 4th, Outlaw's skill build has always been in an awkward place. By proposing this change, I wanted to free up the Outlaw's SP build path and make it possible for players to max skills relevant to their grinding rather than specifically meeting a requirement at the expense of a multitude of skills.

    [-] Battleship has increased movement to 130% or 140% speed (can ask players if they want 110% jump too)
    OR make ship speed increase toggleable
    OR have a skill that increases base ship movement speed

    Why?: One of the biggest detractions to playing Corsair has always been the Battleship and managing it. Not only do you have to be mindful of its HP and avoiding hits, you also have to demount/remount to reposition when getting KB'd in fights due to its default speed. I think by increasing the movement of the Battleship, it'll ease the burden of Battleship by a small degree so that players are only focused on avoiding attacks/ship HP rather than also repositioning too.

    [-] Battleship receives a maximum capped damage of 4,000 (or 5,000) to Ship HP from attacks (including 1/1s).

    Why?: This is an alternative to the proposal of increasing the health of the Battleship. In my opinion, the Ship just takes too much damage from attacks regardless of whether you're good or bad at Dismounting/Remounting. 1/1s are especially punishing and discourages you from washing to higher HP or keeping your HP full. By capping the maximum damage the Ship can receive it'll reduce the stress on the player and improve gameplay for the class.

    [-] Battleship: Enable casting Echo on the battleship


    [-] Wrath of the Octopi:
    • Duration increased to 120 secs at max rank; cooldown increased to 20 seconds
    • increase range vertically and horizontally
    • Reduce minimum range to hit targets (can hit targets right next to it or on it better)
    • Prioritizes boss over mobs

    [-] Airstrike:
    • Reduce its animation time by 50% OR Remove cooldown; Increase mana consumption in return
    • Enable casting it while on the battleship
    • Enable casting it while moving and jumping

    [-] Rapid Fire: make it castable midair and while using wings

    [-] Corkscrew / Backspin Blow:

    • let it hit 6 monsters instead of 3
    • Reduce its delay when used with Backspin / Corkscrew blow

    [-] Oak Barrel's failure rate removed

    Why?: The failure rate on this skill just makes this skill unsatisfying to use. If the failure rate was removed, then it'd become a decent alternative to Dark Sight and people could reliably gather a Thief/Brawler for LPQ and Marauder would have more ease in PPQ when dropping keys. The duration/cooldown should remain the same to make it slightly distinct against Dark Sight but still a similar skill.

    [-] Oak Barrel can be used while in Transformation

    Why?: QoL. Feels clunky when you used transform but have to debuff it to use barrel to drop keys in PPQ and then can't Transform again due to Transform cooldown. If you could just Barrel while in Transform, then it'd make things feel a lot smoother.

    [-] Transformation / Super Transformation - Mounts can be used while transformed


    [-] Energy Charge:
    • remove the monster knockback ability from it
    • remove the damage-dealing ability from it
    • make it last longer

    [-] Dragon Strike can be performed while jumping

    Last edited: May 4, 2024
    Icato, Avielush, JuliusOmega and 8 others like this.
  19. veen11

    veen11 Donator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Country Flag:
    give stance to battleship plzzzz

    change bm's concentrate skill option from watt to stance or limited shifter

    rollback soul arrow (100 arrows for 3-5min)
    Javier likes this.
  20. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
    Likes Received:
    jump roar
    CodGhost likes this.

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