Good day Royalers ~ IGNs : inhaled / Exhaled Availability : Usually on during the week 9:00PM - 6:00AM Server Time. Weekends no set time, and usually on more GOBY: MW20/HB included LVL 30-50 @ 30m/LVL LVL 50-60 @ 50m/LVL LVL 60-67 @ 60m/LVL 30-67 = 1.4 Note: Pots usually needed are around 1500 Ice Cream Pop per hour. Mages should ideally also bring 1500 Sundae's/other MP-filling potions that cover around half your Mana pool. ORBIS EXCHANGE ETC / LEATHER 800k / Stack Current stock : OOS LEATHER - Current stock : OOS ITEMS FOR SALE: Accepting CS/WS @ 510 B-coins 7 VL boot s/b 2b A/w 2.5b
bump, down to about 300 stacks today. Hopefully ill replenish more soon. Ty to my goby buyers today hope i did alright for you
bump, been taking a small break from goby/farming/royals and looking to get back into it. Hope you been enjoying the event ^_^