Lv 80 Lv 90 Bonus Headless Horseman first time kill 71-90 19 Lvls in one day biggest achive of the day!
Got from level 63 to level 87 today thanks to the 2x exp. Bombed headless horseman 72-87. Me killing my first HH
Accidentally started a DEX magician. I was tired and hit the wrong buttons when I leveled. So I have a mule.
First I have to post this (cropped it for you Christine) I was helping her at himes and she was making fun of me for going hard core mode and training without MG. Karma's a bitch. xD And then there's this: GRATZ ON BISHOP CHRISTINE! <3
Finally maxed Fart Gas, errrrr Poison Mist, and started training at Skeles at lvl 80: Yeah, yeah, if I was pro I'd have been there since lvl 76-ish, but it'd have been a bit pointless with something like a 5% hit rate. >_< I'm pretty pleased I was able to get decent enough stats on my equips to be able to start training there at lvl 80! =)