Hello guys! I am trying to rebuild the Perma Beginner/OddJob community in MapleRoyals, and would love anyone who would like to join the cause! I made a new guild Called PermaOddJobs(a spin off to my friend's popular OddJobs guild in GMS Scania), and we are vurrently 8 strong! The community is slowly growing and coming together and my hope is that we will prosper and become once again a pilar in the Maple World! Odd Jobs are people who take a different approach to the game, such as Perma Beginners, Islanders, Ironman, Dexless Bowman etc. So if you would like to join us and build this thing do not hesitate to pm me! My IGN: PermaIshai or IslanderIsh Hope to see you there! <3
Not a bad idea to merge some of these groups to a big guild that runs shit. I don't have one rn, but I would make an Iron Char to play in the guild. Keep me posted
Feel free to join and pm me anytime! I am eager to merge all the groups together and would love nothing more than to have a huge group running this shit. We are growing by the day so anyone is invited.