Hello I try to vote but it's didn't work whole time is ready to vote after refresh. I don't have ads bloker try on chrome and edge try in priv mode and even try on my phone with and without wifi still dont have any nx and it's still availabe. Any ideas?
I'm on gtop100 web MapleRoyals - The Nostalgic MapleStory Server Game Description 90 Votes > Visit and Play
I am unable to replicate the issue Can you list out the exact steps of how you vote? (from Royals website to Gtop100)
Sure, probably I'm doing somethink wrong. I'm back after several years and my acc was hacked minewhile. So i change pass @ and create new char. I'm log in on my right side have username and current NX then i click on top vote. Then i have green button with click here to vote so i press it and it show me gtop100 and that all nothink more happed. I try phone priv mode dont have any VPN or AD Blocks in browser also try other browser