Is there any response to the specific post of mine linked above which was a counterpoint to their previous statement? Once again, their reasons were refuted: 1) Yes, to be fair they would have to adjust anyone else's belt who used 60%s before the change and wanted an adjustment. This would be no one, as far as I know. If anyone exists, their belts could be verified in the same way as mine - by looking at the stats to deduce what scrolls were used. Again, if any exist, which I highly doubt seeing as the scrolls were a waste for attackers and there's no other character issue threads created relating to this, and no one else commenting with the same issue. 2) This shouldn't need to be on a case by case basis, scrolling logs would let them apply it (maybe even automatically) to all future cases too 3) Scrolling logs and looking at belt stats should be sufficient to not require player evidence.
Thank you for your follow-up message. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that our stance remains unchanged. While we understand your points, our initial concerns still stand. Regarding your counterpoint to our first reason, we acknowledge that deducing the stats based on scroll usage could facilitate adjustments. However, setting a precedent for individual adjustments could lead to similar requests from players with varying circumstances, potentially creating disparities and unfairness not only for the VL belt but also for other items. We appreciate your suggestion to utilize scrolling logs for adjustments. However, implementing such an adjustment would require significant development resources and might still lead to inconsistencies. Lastly, while scrolling logs and belt stats provide valuable information, relying solely on these might not be sufficient to justify adjustments. Our decision was made with careful consideration, and we must maintain consistency in our policies to ensure fairness for all players.