JaguarPaw I dont recall the last thing I did, I was just messing around in game if I remember right. I tried to buy vip htp in game and sell some APRs. I logged off, hours later or the next day I tried to log in and I get the message stating my account has been blocked or deleted. "This account has been blocked or deleted"
Do you have accounts from a long time ago? Do the following IGNs look familiar to you? FrixyDK Argument Composer
All right. Since you say you only have one account (the one which contains JaguarPaw), and you have never played MapleRoyals prior to playing JaguarPaw, and no one else has used your computer to play MapleRoyals other than you, please answer the following: Your account was made on May 25 of this year. You were banned on June 29. Despite playing for a little more than one month, you were able to obtain: 11-Attack FaceStompers 17-Attack Brown Work Gloves You also only have your one character on your account, a Night Lord, which is not used to sell leeching services. How were you able to obtain these items?
Which IGN is your friend? "StorageCash" "SumDingPow" "LaMorsa" "Geoxor" "SaltedCheese" "nOwOsacks" "BUSSERS" "bethena" "Bald2" "TheThi3f4U" "NisXz" "DoctorPoker" "BounceMan" "Scaden"