1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Bite/140/DK 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: SG 3. Previous Guild (if any): N/A 4. Your Current Goal(s): Looking for friends to chill and have fun 5. Why do you want to join Google? Back after a long time, looking to find a guild to have fun with.
Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Lastwil199/49/cleric 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: Macau / +8GMT 3. Previous Guild (if any): 4. Your Current Goal(s): Have Fun and enjoy Maple like 10 years ago 5. Why do you want to join Google? Would like to find a place like home to chat and play gamessss
Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Draple/157/Night Lord. 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: California/PST. 3. Previous Guild (if any): Banned. 4. Your Current Goal(s): Consistent boss runs (trying to grind hp quests for HT), and learn how to CWKPQ. 5. Why do you want to join Google? Find a place where I can relive my nostalgia.
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Ethelred/31/Cleric 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: SG/+8GMT 3. Previous Guild (if any): Peach 4. Your Current Goal(s): To get my bishop asap and learn about the end-game stuff 5. Why do you want to join Google? Finding a place to meet new friends and progress the game together, especially with people of the same timezone~
Hello! Thank you for your application If you are ok with the time zone difference, we will be happy to have you onboard with us! Kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Gidon/35/cleric 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: South Korea 3. Previous Guild (if any): none 4. Your Current Goal(s): I want to do levelling and boss run. And I want to have an active community. 5. Why do you want to join Google? Because I want to be friendly with many people and do community activities. also to get a lot of information about royals
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Taiwan89/76/Ranger 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: Taiwan but currently living in north America 3. Previous Guild (if any): No 4. Your Current Goal(s): Get to lvl 200! 5. Why do you want to join Google? As an engineer, almost everyone wants to join Google
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Shinako / 120 / Bishop 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: GMT-7 3. Previous Guild (if any): Cozy 4. Your Current Goal(s): I'm a casual and relatively new player when it comes to past 4th job. Some company and help from more experienced players would be great. 5. Why do you want to join Google?: I had a very pleasant encounter with one of your members a day or two ago and thought I would apply based off that.
Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Hello! Thank you for your interesting application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Let me know who's the member as well!
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: CureFriendy / 154 / Beginner 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: GMT+8 3. Previous Guild (if any): PermaOddJob (But no one online now) 4. Your Current Goal(s): For this char, road to lv 200 30k hp. Do CWKPQ/EPQ with this char with other mules. Also I'll do Tokyo prequest and wash to buy auf in the future. 5. Why do you want to join Google? I have another char in kekw, and also want to play with others in same time zone.
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: LuckyKIDz/level 3 just come back with new account gonna play main Paladin only 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: GMT+8 3. Previous Guild (if any): 4. Your Current Goal(s): level 200 have fun on bossing and chatting 5. Why do you want to join Google? Looks interesting with the cool events and so..
Hello ally! Thank you for your interesting application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you Hello! Thanks for your application. But don't mind me if i ask, what happened to your old account? Since you said you "just came back with new account"
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Hannacotta/175/DK 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: japan (GMT+9) 3. Previous Guild (if any): "Savior" I belonged to it 4 years ago and when I recently returned again it was dead. 4. Your Current Goal(s): Most of my old friends are gone and I want to make friends again. 5. Why do you want to join Google? It has been a while since I have enjoyed playing Royals. However, it is still boring without the community
Hello! Thank you for your application We are happy to have you onboard with us, kindly ensure that you have read through the post with regards to our goals & requirements. Do pm ipineappie/notpineapple in game once you are ready and I'll invite you
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Scaden/60/going NL 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: Canada EST 3. Previous Guild (if any): Ascendance -- was guild leader, but now I'd prefer to join one instead as I am sometimes too busy with work to be able to manage a guild 4. Your Current Goal(s): playing for fun casually, and eventually reach 4th job 5. Why do you want to join Google? Just looking for a nice and friendly community : ) P.S Could you please give me a day or so before joining so I can let my members know and transfer leadership to my mule etc
1. In-game IGN/Level/Job: Syanorie/60/Cleric 2. Where you're from and/or time zone: Canada EST 3. Previous Guild (if any): Ascendance (was jr. master) 4. Your Current Goal(s): mostly playing for fun and nostalgia, but also get my char to bishop of course~ 5. Why do you want to join Google? this seems to be a very interesting guild! i'm also not much of a solo player when it comes to mmorpgs, so i would love some company and all that ^^