As I said previously, I would update this thread when things changed - boobs is still at 100/100 members, but we are occasionally inviting people as we create space. If you would like to join boobs, please contact Peas or a Jr. master, though be warned we may not be able to accommodate you immediately. It certainly helps if you know some of our members beforehand.
Boobs. Who doesn't like boobs? Gay people? We love boobs! Hi my name is B. That's my nickname I prefer for online. I'm 19 years old, queer as hell and just all types of outgoing (are there types? probably not, but idgaf). I love to talk obviously ( <<< ) and I want to join because your guild name is Boobs. In all seriousness though, you guys seem chill af. I'm trying to chill. So that's why I thought in my head "Shit yo, this looks like a chill ass guild. Their guild name is boobs. I like boobs. It feels like a match made in boobeaven.) I actually didn't say any of that. I lied. So that's my application! Look forward to hearing from ya'll. (I swear I'm a little crazy, but not a lot.)
@Bizarre Hey, B ! If you haven't been added yet, we'll make room for you and add you whenever you're online. Just whisper me or any other junior/Peas. If you have already been added, welcome2TeamBoobs ! We are excited to have you !
"revivalhype" is a little outdated at this point. A few modifications made to the OP but for the most part everything is the same. Stay tuned for some more guild pics. Oh and @carcrash what's the status of that banner?
Mini-Bios added for the Jr. Masters. Link to our alliance member Oblivion's guild thread added to the alliance section. Check them out as well!