Show your pride for your class! Limiting this census to just 4th job classes, Islanders and Begineers. Choose up to 3! Make your predictions on the three most popular classes (Excluding Bishops) and the three least popular classes (Excluding Beginners/Islanders because that's too easy) if you want! Spoiler Sorry @Chokladkakan Top Three Night Lord Hero Bowmaster Bottom Three Buccaneer Paladin Marksman
My predictions for this poll: Top 3: 1. Corsairs (Vote it to spite Plenty) 2. Dark nights 3. Marksman Bottom 3 as announced in shoutbox: 1. Paladin! (what a surprise) 2. F/P mage 3. Paladin!
OMG! @mecheez had a family... Turnout of Buccaneers is surprising! Shame we can't say the same when I go Zakum/Horntail/Krexel running.
Voted for corsairs but the thing is I have like a character for each class so... #14characterhype Sairs are my fav class rn, but keeping my expectations realistic, my predictions for the poll turnout are: Top Three: 1) NL 2) Hero 3) Dark Knight Bottom Three: 1) F/P 2) Marksman 3) Paladin Where r u my long lost krex partner..
1. Buccaneer 2. Bishop 3. Arch Mage (Ice & Lightning) I'm actually quite surprised on the outcome of how many voted for buccaneers. Almost brings a tear to my eye.