Hello! I'm looking for a class suitable for a casual player. I need good scaling on basic skills because I don't expect to have perfect or high-end items. I just want to have fun and deal decent damage for party play. Can you give me a few suggestions? P.S. I'm leveling a priest for Holy Symbol, and I'm currently at level 75. Where should I train now?
hero / drk are pretty bad for most bosses. They have great multi target damage while having below avrage single target damage. most bosses require single target. paladin on the other hand have a decent single target damage and has the total crush buff which allows you to ignore weapon cancel, this skill is really important for zak / krex / ht and more
Thank you for advise! How about other classes can we find somehitnk ? Mage are useless in end game right ?
they are not useless, they are very useful. but you can't really main them (unless you are special), they are useful for muling (bishop) / leeching / farming
I would choose a class that dont require much washing, even though washing isn't really required due to hp quest but makes end make bearable. Any warrior, or bucc is good as suggested. They are both very wanted in late game boss runs pally and bucc specifically
Train at Coolies if you wanna earn some meso, else MP3 if you just want fast EXP *it's more difficult to earn meso upon leaving Coolies area
MP3 is actually one of the fastest grinding places for Priests So if you find it slow, you won't enjoy any other spots
Afeter that i mean max HS i have to make attack to pull it or there is some places were I can find party
as suggest ppq is good til ~90 but since ur a priest u might want to ppq as long as u can then try to find a partner to do himes with. Any warrior or even chief bandits might work