Thanks for the great work so far! When you order equip items by a stat/#slots, items that can't have the stat or don't have slots (different from 0 slots, like nx items) are recognized as being higher in said stat then items that DO have the stat. Making it so that when you sort in descending order all NX items and statless items are shown first. Can you make it so that these items are always placed last.
Appreciated feedback received from forum or in-game Updated on Aug 31 2024 Changelog: 1. Updated library & gacha list to v92.1 2. Added miwok gacha from @Nerd 's post 3. Fixed order by Descending bug where NaN/No value id appeared at front. Item without the property of"order by" will be sorted at the back. 4. Now you can search Quest by entering npc name too!
Saw you asked about what's new for 92.2 in shoutbox Here's 1
Was doing some configuration with netlify. might have accidentally unlinked my netlify account from github
Important Notice Regarding The Un-official MapleRoyals Library (Scotty's version) Due to unforeseen circumstances, Royals staff can no longer endorse or recommend the unofficial wiki hosted by scottY5c. Please be advised that using this website is now at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or security of the website(s). Thank you for your understanding.
I tried to use the site but it said Site Not Found Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on Netlify. Is it still going to be maintained or it's taken down due to recent shift of stance of the Royals staff on the website? Edit : It works again now as of this edit!