dk whats the point of broadcast element wand or staff on chat channel no one would likes it expt gacha sponger lurking at NLC/Mushroom Shrine
you got 666 tics in pocket you need ws for your gear upgrade you started but inventory was full in middle of gacha random sponger TP on your head he got the ws you lost tics but got nothing sadge
if you think these fears are purely theoretical, could you think twice: why can't sponger succeed at LHC? And that truely worked , says by sponger and proved by SC.
Gachapon is purely RNG. There is no such thing as guaranteed WS after X pulls in NLC for example and people being able to track that to "steal" your jackpot items.
This personally works for me... Could be just pure luck but I do wait for a few gacha smegas with worthless items before going and most of the times i end up with the jackpot.
the code for gachapon is not written like a slot machine or claw crane game where after x amount of low value items, a jackpot has to be hit. The same generation for a reward is ran every time and it's not dependent on previous or future gachapon uses from you or other users.
one random guy randomly has this idea. tells 100 random guys 5 got lucky and telling everyone this works XD RNG generator: “WTF would I involve so many previous results in my RN generation instead of randomly generating a random number.”
I know it's just RNG but people go to a specific channel, on a specific room and some even wear specific items before scrolling, I e even seen people jumping and doing other weird stuff. Let us jump in the head of random people who gets a crap ele staff from NLC and steal their jackpot.
Nope, I lost count and only jumped 8 times. The good thing is that after that a guy got an elemental wand from NLC (saw the smega) and just had to teleport to him and got no 1, but 2 WS.